Stoning the devil in Islam / Did Prophet Abraham blind the chief god?

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The one-eyed leader of both jinn and aliens.

Another important similarity related to the topic is that the chief god in polytheistic religions and the chief devil in monotheistic religions have one blind eye. In the following sections, we will prove that the gods in polytheistic religions are actually devils, that is, aliens. We all know the story of Prophet Abraham blinding the chief devil’s eye with a stone he threw. Similarly, Odin, the chief god of Scandinavia, has one blind eye and is depicted as an old man. Likewise, Horus, one of the chief gods of Egypt, has one eye. In mythologies, these gods are said to have been blinded in one eye under various pretexts; however, in Islam, the chief devil was blinded by a stone thrown by Prophet Abraham when he tried to haunt Prophet Abraham. 

This event; This is how it is described in stories and written historical records.

“You only stone Satan and only follow the way of your ancestor Ibrahim (peace be upon him).” (Muslim, 1/297)

The stoning of Satan event also took place in Islam because of this incident. The expression of blind devil is also famous in our traditions.  

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