Aliens, Dimensions and Magic

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Both jinns (in İslam) and aliens communicate through magic

Another similarity is that communication can be established with jinn and aliens living in another dimension through magic and they can cross to our dimension through magic. 

In the previous chapter, we explained that scientists today argue that the phenomenon of magic, which has been known and used by humans since the world began, may be related to quantum physics. now let us present the historical records we have on this subject.


Alesteir Crowley, one of the founders of Satanism, summoned aliens with magic and a gray alien came to his side. Crowley described and drew the alien that came as follows. There are various magical rituals to summon dragons in different cultures. Ra sheeba is a type of energy of Egyptian origin, that is, magic, and like all magic, it works with symbols only. ra sheeba came to ancient Egypt at the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Communication can be established with dragons through ra sheeba teachings. Lessons can be learned from wise dragons. The spellbooks include drawings of gray and reptilian aliens, as well as many different and strange creatures. The reason why there are so many different types of creatures in magic books is that the jinn who communicate through magic are magicians and can take any form they want. That’s why they always take on scary forms because they don’t like people either. 

Quantum science already tells us today that beings in different dimensions do not have a specific shape.

In all the books of magic, you will see that the ways of communicating with dimensional beings are described. these dimensional beings can be none other than the aliens that we have proved to be living in another dimension. because all the characteristics of these beings that come with magic are the same as the aliens. 

 As it is known, an invisible effect occurs in magic and affects people. When we reason, this invisible effect cannot be anything other than jinn. The existence of magic has been believed and practiced in all societies from past to present.


We will talk about the magicians in the historical period in the following sections. Again, in the following chapters, we will prove that in ancient religions, magic was a means of communication with aliens who were gods.   Now, in this section, let us try to prove with a few documents that magic is a way of communicating with dimensional beings, the jinn. Islamic sources, namely the Qur’an and the hadith, the written words of the Prophet Muhammad, clearly state that jinn communicate through magic. We will discuss this in detail in the section on Magic in Ancient History.  In an ancient record in which Satan appears in human form to Prophet Muhammad and his companions, one of the many questions Prophet Muhammad asks Satan is “who are your messengers”. Satan answered this question as “they are magicians”. Great Islamic scholars also clearly stated that jinn played a role in making magic.


“When he does the magic and when he dissolves it, he takes a pledge from the djinn whom he has made a partner in his blowing, and he makes him swear an oath.” (Islamic scholar İbn Haldun)


“For years, many sects have been established in our country and abroad. We call them alien sects. And they accepted every kind of channel information received through mediums without question, which was claimed to be from aliens. -do you think reptilians are deceiving telepaths? -it is possible because there is such a thing. Mediumship is an existing phenomenon. There are messages received by telepathy. These have been scientifically proven in laboratories. Even researches were done between the world and apollo astronauts about these, it was proven, etc., this is okay.”

Youtube/ TheRealSources

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