Lost Continent Mu And Noahs Flood Connection

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Mu / Atlantis / Noahs Flood – [Black Box of the World Documentary-6]

“History is a vast early warning system.”Norman cousins


In previous chapters, we have presented many evidences that polytheistic, pagan religions were created by dimensional beings. We have proved that these dimensional beings are aliens, the jinn in Islamic culture.  In this chapter, we will describe the greatest historical event in the past where the interaction between aliens and human beings took place. The data of this historical event will explain to us how monotheistic religions in the past were transformed into polytheistic religions by aliens, that is, jinns, and how these polytheistic religions covered the whole world and how there are similar ancient structures built all over the world.

In this chapter we will mostly present the geological and historical evidence for the existence of Noah’s flood and Mu continent. The evidence we will present in the next chapter will show what happened on the continent of Mu, that dimensional beings somehow crossed over into the human dimension at that time, and that these dimensional beings gave knowledge and technology to humans, and in this way they acted like gods and controlled humans, and then dragged humans into wars, and that the prophet Noah tried to prevent the chaos on the continent of Mu, but the system of unending chaos was eventually destroyed only by the flood.


First of all, based on the evidence you will see in this chapter, it is certain that there is a sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean, but there may be another sunken continent in the Atlantic Ocean. So Mu and Atlantis may be the same continents and the same sunken continent may be called Mu by some and Atlantis by others. Or Atlantis and Mu could be two different sunken continents in two different oceans. It is up to you to decide whether it is two different continents or one continent.  


“The legend of the flooded continent of Atlantis, initially believed to be a myth, has inspired many European writers. Many books have been written about it.


 Even famous writers like Montaigne, Buffon and Voltaire believed in this legend. Famous authors who wrote about Atlantis;  F. Bacon’s novel “New Atlantis”, which depicts the ideal state of the physical sciences; the Swedish Rudbeck’s (1679-1702) “Atland Eller Mahneim”; the Catalan writer Verdaguer’s poem “I’Atlântida” (1877), which imagines Christopher Columbus as a man in search of the lost ancient continents; G. Hauptmann’s novel “Atlantis” (1912), and P. Benoit’s “l’Atlantide” (1919).


In addition, 13 flood legends have been compiled in Asia, 4 in Europe, 5 in Africa, 9 in Australia and the South Sea islands, and 37 in North, South and Central America.Also, the Sumerians, based on the historical fact of the Great Flood, and without the slightest doubt, divide the rulers of Mesopotamia into “pre-Flood kings and post-Flood kings” in their lists. 


In the written works of the Sumerians, there are descriptions such as “And then the great flood happened and after the flood the kings came down from the sky again”.


Every legend has a greater or lesser degree of truth. Many events known as legends, such as Troy, have been found to be real as a result of scientific research. As we will explain in a moment, increasing scientific and historical evidence has shown that the continent of Atlantis or Mu, initially categorized as a myth, actually existed.  Atlantis or the land of Mu existed in the past and sank to the bottom of the ocean as a result of volcanic eruptions. Ocean scientists, scientists who study volcanic eruptions and tectonic movements, and historians confirm the existence of a submerged continent called Atlantis or Mu.

Today, the existence of many sunken continents in the oceans is recognized by geophysicists and accepted by the scientific community. Submerged continents such as Pasifika, Zealandia, Mauritia, Great Adria have been discovered by scientists today and their existence has been proven. they state that these continents sank millions of years ago as a result of tectonic movements. These sunken continents sank into the ocean as they were. However, ancient records and scientific data suggest that Mu or Atlantis sank as recently as 10 thousand years BC as a result of a natural disaster.


So why do some scientists deny the existence of Mu? First of all, they said that sial layer are only found on land and that according to the theory of plate tectonics, sial layer cannot be found under the ocean. However, when new discoveries revealed the existence of both sunken continents like Maurita and submerged continents like Zelandia, it became clear that there could be sial layer under the ocean as well. In the wake of this development, scientists who deny the existence of Mu have said that there is no sial layer in the places where Mu or Atlantis is said to have been. But with new discoveries, as we will show later, many sunken human artifacts have been found under the ocean in the area where mu is claimed to have been. so the sial layer, which was once a landmass, was definitely submerged in the area where mu was. This landmass may even have broken into pieces and sunk. 

Also, those who deny the existence of the continent of Mu talk as if the floor of the ocean has been completely mapped and yet the continent of Mu has not been found.

 However, today we know more about Mars than our own planet.  It must be because governments do not want the oceans to be explored; although billions of dollars are allocated to space expenditures, there are not enough funds for the exploration of the oceans.


The budget allocated to NASA for space exploration is about 3.8 billion dollars. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), on the other hand, receives a low budget of 23.7 million dollars.

Today, more people have been to space than have been to the bottom of the ocean. Although we have mapped the surrounding planets, the bottom of the ocean is still unmapped. Scientists have reported that by 2030 the mapping of the underwater world will be finished. So it is a sad fact that today we do not know 70% of our world.      


There is a clear fact that the sinking of the Mu was preceded by a great catastrophic flood. If the allegation of meteorites falling on Mu is true, this triggered volcanic activity and upset the balance of water underground and above ground. Land and water shifted and the sinking of this great continent changed the water levels in many parts of the world, at least for a while.  


Now let us continue with the views of scientists who prove the existence of the global flood. First of all, it should be noted that all scientists agree that there was an abnormally high rise in sea level about 12 thousand years ago, that is, 10 thousand years BC, and that at least three fourths of the animals of that time died in some unknown way, but they cannot explain why. Sane scientists realized that the only fact that could have caused this was the great Flood.

So much so that Noah’s Flood has gained weight as a scientific theory and is now accepted even by mainstream scientific circles.

Although it is known that there was a glacial age at that time, and although ice did not cover the whole world, it was a relatively colder period than today and the sea level rose with the melting of the ice, the reason for this sudden change and deaths is not clear.  

What caused the ice to melt so much and cause such a great flood?


According to some scientists who accept the global flood theory, the consequences of the flood are so great and obvious that one of these evidences alone is sufficient to prove the flood. 

The general summary of the evidence we will now present is this: the formation of some geologically certain layers in some parts of the world can only be due to a water catastrophe. Because the other possibility, the volcanic factor, does not pile up layers of rock, gravel and sand, but the gigantic earthquake or flood waves pick up the rocks in their path and drag and roll them until they lose their water-bearing capacity. These are the very obvious global evidences. The scientific evidence for the existence of a global flood can be summarized as follows:


 Evidence of a large-scale flood


Polystrate Fossils;

Rupke, a geologist, biologist and historian of science, states: “In my personal opinion, the polystrate fossils are the most vivid witnesses both to the reality of the Flood and to the collapse-sedimentation events that occurred as a result of the Flood.”

Clastic Vein Rocks;

A clastic vein rock is a sedimentary material that has been forced into a different, alien rock mass and has passed through it.

Solid Matter Streams;

Solids flows are the flow of mud under water. Sandstone deposits are deposits resulting from a “large-scale Flood”.

Sediment Layer and Stratification Type Layering

When we observe sediment layers in many parts of the world, we see that almost everywhere there is a “flat-lying” or “stratification” type of layering. This points to an unprecedented Flood.

Numerous Fossil Whales found at different altitudes,

The discovery of seashells or marine fossils in mountains around the world.

The discovery of large numbers of frozen mammoths and mammoth bones in Siberia, Alaska and Northern Europe,

Mixed animal bones found in crevices in the rocks,

Large foreign rock blocks being transported,

The great current of water that brings fresh water to the Gulf of Mexico.

Formation of the Black Sea,

According to some scientists, this flood was caused by Comet Impacts that triggered the Earth’s core.


Prof. Alexander Tollmann of the world-renowned Geological Institute of the University of Vienna has provided 2 important pieces of evidence for the fact of a comet, one of the parameters of the global flood and the most important one.

One of the comet evidence is the distribution of molten rock fragments called tektites, or glassy meteorite fragments, scattered by the impact of a comet strike. Tollmann says the following about this:


“There is a very high concentration of these glassy meteorites among the 10 thousand years old sediments. When we look at the characteristics of 10 thousand years old sediment levels in different parts of the Earth, we realize that 7 large and many small comets hit the Earth.”

The second important discovery was a sudden increase in carbon 14 in fossilized trees from the same period. Tollmann states that this is due to the destruction of the ozone layer by comets and the release of very high levels of radiation into the atmosphere, thus increasing the amount of carbon 14. Tollmann supports his theory with mythological data from ancient cultures in the Middle East, China, India and America. Tollmann’s explanation about these myths is as follows:

“All of these mythological stories were written down long after the event. But this information must have been passed down orally from generation to generation until it was written down. They still show so many and extraordinary similarities. For example, these accounts from different cultures all contain descriptions of the Earth being threatened by seven burning suns, followed by the Flood and other catastrophes.”


Using these two sources of information, Tollmann was able to date the Flood at 9600 BC. This is a very realistic date because it is in line with the dates of other scientific data that you will see in the documentary.  


On the other hand, Mike Baillie, a renowned expert in the study of tree rings, supports his research with mythology. 

According to Baillie’s analysis of tree rings, the comets that fell on Tunguska triggered 20-megaton explosions that triggered earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and outgassing from the ocean floor.

The “volcano ash” found at the poles was found to be 10 thousand -14 thousand years old. 

According to a research project in Greenland, the ice age ended exactly 11,711 years ago and the Earth became habitable for human society. Jörgen Peder Steffensen, a researcher at the Center for Ice and Climate at the University of Copenhagen, said: “According to the detailed findings we have obtained from samples taken from the ice layers, the end of the ice age and the transition to a temperate climate happened very quickly, as if a switch was flipped.”

The scientist Velikovsky also proved through his research that there were continents sunk to the bottom of the sea. Velikovsky’s most important work is “Worlds in Collision”. In this work, Velikovsky, based on many scientific researches, like a detective examining the evidence one by one, tried to identify inconceivable catastrophes in the world’s past. His investigations revealed that the Himalayas and Tibet, once submarine, had suddenly risen. In the same way, according to the theory, many new landmasses formed in the Americas and Africa. In addition, glacial traces found on the mountain ranges at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean indicate that these mountains were once above the sea.

Velikovsky points to the mass graves of animals found all over the world. He noted that in a general catastrophe they were washed away by the waters, crushed on the rocks and buried one on top of the other, with stones piled on top of them.


 Seven dismembered human skeletons were found in a mass animal grave at Choukoutien near Peking. They belonged to three different races, White, Eskimo and Melanesian. 

According to paleontological evidence, the animal population was quite large before the catastrophe, and at the end of the last ice age, around 10 thousand years BC, it is suggested that 40 million animals saw a sudden death. 

There are tens of thousands of frozen mammoth corpses under the ice in northern Siberia. Carbon 14 tests show that these animals died about 12 thousand years ago.


Another piece of evidence: In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where Plato pointed out, there is a large area of relatively shallow land under the sea. It is called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Some Atlanatologists consider it to be the remains of a sunken continent. In 1949, Professor Maurice Ewing of Columbia University explored under the sea at this level and found a sandy shoreline on the sea floor at a depth of 4 to 5.5 kilometers. Since sand can only be formed by erosion under atmospheric conditions and cannot be formed under water, it is inevitable that this beach must have sunk. 

Another piece of evidence is that in the harbor in the Andean mountains, it is still possible to find seaweed remains.There are also many sandy coastlines that have risen well above sea level.

 This shows that the land at sea level has risen in recent history as a result of major events.


Again, large areas at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean were found to be covered in lava. According to French geologist Pierre Termier, lava samples taken from underwater are of the glass basalt lava type and can only solidify under atmospheric pressure outside water. So these volcanoes were once on land and now they are underwater.


The major geological conclusions, or evidence, that the continents of Atlantis or Mu once existed and sank to the bottom of the sea are the following: the drying up of the Nississippi and Lavrence valleys, the emergence of Florida, the disappearance of the Amazon Sea, the expansion of the North American Atlantic coastline. For these geological events to occur, a large land mass would have to sink in the sea.

For example, according to Ralph Franklin Walworth and Geoffrey Walworth Sjostrom, the very low water level during the last ice age alone is a sufficient reason for the existence of Mu. 

In addition to the sinking of these large continents, some scientific evidence suggests that much of the rest of the world was submerged for some time until the waters receded.

Scientist Leonard Woolley’s discovery of a large layer of sea clay after ancient pottery during excavations in Sumer between 1922 and 1934 caused a worldwide sensation. Woolley explained that this layer of pure clay and sand could only have been formed as a result of a great flood:  “Such a huge mass of clay formed in a single period of time could only have been the result of a very great flood. It can only be the remains of the legendary Noah’s Flood.” Microscopic analysis showed that a thick layer of clean clay had been piled here by a flood so great that it wiped out the ancient Sumerian civilization. 

Similar findings have been found in caves in Greece. Scientists studying the cave layers realized that there had been a seawater inundation some 10 thousand years ago. This has been referred to in the literature as the Black Sea Flood.  Prof. Petko Dimitrov’s dating published in 1982 and Dr. Ballard’s dating of the first shell layer in Figure 2 show that the inundation in the Black Sea was around 10 thousand years BC.  W. Ryan and W. Pitman found an ancient shoreline and fully preserved sand dunes at a depth of 155 meters in the Black Sea, indicating a flood. The fully preserved dunes were evidence of the rapidity of the flood.

In another 2003 paper, Prof. Ryan dated the flood-formed sand dunes to 9,500 years ago, which agrees with Prof. Dimitrov’s dating of Noah’s Flood.

The geological evidence for the Flood is growing every day. In the North Sea in the UK, near Ireland and Greenland, forests can be seen that sank to the bottom of the sea thousands of years ago. According to scientists, the date of the sinking of these forests coincides with the date of the great flood.

Scientists have recently discovered a large underground water source. This underground water source contains water 3 times the size of the oceans on earth. it has been discovered that these waters are contained in blue stones called “Ringwodite” located 700 km below the ground. This situation suggests that this underground water source may contain enough water to cover the entire land.  This discovery coincides with the verse in the Quran that says that groundwater was added to the flood: 


Quran Qamar 12- And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs. So the waters (of the heaven and the earth) met for a matter predestined.


What about the historical buildings under the sea?

Before we move on to the historical ruins for the existence of the continent of Mu, the most important thing you need to know about this subject is that the remains of Mu found on islands under the sea and on other land are different from other artifacts under the sea and on land whose history is clearly known. that is, the common feature of the evidence we will show is that they are megalithic structures in the style of the pyramids of Giza. In other words, they are structures whose history, technology and how they were built cannot be known or understood in any way, and are obviously very old from the known history of the world.

Historical findings related to the existence of the continents of Atlantis and Mu are as follows;

Let’s talk about the man-made artifacts under the sea

Before World War 2, Japanese divers found ancient city-like structures under the sea. The existence of these structures, called the Yonaguni pyramids, led scientists to conclude that there used to be a large landmass in this part of the ocean, but for some reason it sank and the remaining islands are the remnants of that continent.

We all know the phenomenon of the “Bermuda Triangle.” In the Bermuda region, using sonar, oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag discovered a giant glass pyramid at a depth of two thousand meters. 

 In 2001, Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig discovered what appeared to be huge granite structures at a depth of 750 meters off the coast of Cuba, just inside the Bermuda Triangle border.

In 1972, the Unesco Newsletter reported on a sensational discovery made by American archaeologist Manson Valentine and underwater explorer Dimitri Rebikoff off the coast of the Bahamian islands of Bimini and Andros. Dimitri Rebikoff found underwater settlements with walls between 70 and 250 meters long. These structures under the sea are thought to cover an area of 100 square kilometers.


There are walls more than 600 meters long, running parallel to each other. A single stone 5 meters long was found to weigh 25 tons. Scientists at the University of Miami say that this site, whose age was determined according to the Carbon14 method, dates from 7 thousand to 10 thousand years BC.

Again, a series of underwater sonar images released by William Donato and the Apex Institute revealed two very large and tall structures off the Bimini Islands.

 John Jensen, a former American researcher, discovered evidence of an advanced harbor in Florida, built thousands of years before any Native American tribes appeared.

According to Portuguese media, Diocleciano Silva discovered this pyramid under the sea near the Azores while fishing.

Now let’s look at the evidence for the continent of Mu on the islands;


First of all, as we have just explained, it is not contrary to science that the islands in the ocean are the remains of a sunken continent. Because according to geology, an island can be formed by breaking off from a large piece of land or by high places remaining above water when the continent sinks.


The greatest evidence that the oceanic islands are the remains of the sunken continent of Mu are the following;

1- All of the islands have prehistoric megalithic artifacts and the people who built them and the technology they possessed have disappeared. Because these structures were not and could not be rebuilt later. 

2-There are snake and gray alien gods on all of the islands.

3-Although the islands have no communication with each other, they all have the same legends, beliefs, culture and even language.

4- There are megalithic monuments on the shores of the islands, half of them in the sea. 

5- It is obvious that the megaliths on the islands have suffered catastrophic destruction. 


In almost all archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean, there are gigantic pyramids, monolithic stone statues weighing tons, ruins of buildings, mummies, columns, and woven cloth. Some of these gigantic structures even exist under the sea.


The fact that similar ancient structures on the island are also found under the sea on the coast of the island is the most obvious proof that this ancient civilization sank into the sea.  


There are rai megalithic structures on the Carolinian Islands and the giant monuments of Nan Madol on Panope Island. On the island of Cambiere, mummies older than those found in Egypt have been found. On Easter Island, there are 600 statues over 30 meters tall and weighing more than 50 tons.

The Pacific archipelago, where the ruins of these gigantic and high civilizations are located, is inhabited by primitive natives who do not have the technology to build these gigantic structures and pyramids, or even the technology to travel to other islands. although many of them have no knowledge of the natives living on other islands, they all have similar religious beliefs, culture, language and symbols. they do not have the power and technology to build these structures, and the stones found in the ruins of the buildings are not available on the island where the building is located and were brought from very remote areas.


The Mu researcher Eric von Daniken concluded from his research;


“The Polynesian archipelago in the eastern part of the Ocean, which means “many islands” in Greek, is located in a large triangle formed by the islands of Hawaii, Easter and New Zealand. All the ancient communities within the 43,700 square kilometers of these islands share common tales and legends, as well as common linguistic roots with little variation, common appearance and common gods. The majority of archaeologists, anthropologists and experts in ancient languages agree that culture and language originated in eastern Polynesia. On this basis, the cultural and linguistic flow spread from the nine-island Cook Islands to the 1042 square kilometer islands of Tahiti, Tuamotu, Marquesa and Mangarewa. I cannot publicly criticize these scientific results, but I have to raise a few questions. How did the Eastern Polynesians get their culture so far away? There is a theory. They got into their canoes and let themselves be swept away by the currents of the sea. Good, but where to? Easter Island to Tahiti Island = 3700 km. Tahiti to Fiji = 4300 km. Fiji to Australia = 3 thousand km. California to Hawaii = 4 thousand km. Hawaii to Marshall Islands = 3800 km.”

In conclusion, according to sane scientists, these natives and these gigantic artifacts are the remains of the sunken continent of mu or atlantis.

There is more evidence of the Flood all over the world than we realize. For example, this road made of yellow bricks was discovered near the island of Hawaii. Some of the evidence found on the islands proves that the tribes that perished in the Flood worshipped aliens, that is, jinns. For example, this underwater moai statue on the island of Moai was placed for a movie and is fake. But this underwater alien statue on the shore of the island of Moerea is real, and it is both a clear evidence of Noah’s flood and proof that the ancient people of Mu worshipped aliens, the jinn. it is not known or understood how these underwater statues, which are made of very heavy stones, were broken and how they came under water. again, the natives of these oceanic islands still worship ancient gods. These gods are called tikes. The characteristics of these gods are similar to the characteristics of jinns. Their type, as you can see, is just like the type of ordinary jinns, the gray aliens. we will present more information and images about these gods in the next chapter.

In addition to many historical remains of these continents under and above the sea, many written historical works also mention the existence of mu and atlantis and what happened on these continents and why they sank.

James Churchward, who has been researching about Mu for many years, has traveled to many places such as the South Pacific islands, Central Asia, Egypt, Siberia, Australia, Central America and obtained many historical evidence for the existence of Mu.


James Churchward’s book is convincing and it is difficult to say that the information in the book is a lie. Because the ancient tablets found in different parts of the world, which you will see pictures of in the book, all say the same things. 

  1. They are all written in prehistoric symbols. Even the symbols describing Mu in different parts of the world are similar. Even the name of Mu is sometimes the same in the inscriptions in different parts of the world.

2-They all state that Mu was a solar empire, the king of kings who ruled the world.

3-They all say that Mu was island-shaped and was torn apart by volcanic activity, floods and the Flood. 

4-They all say that Mu was founded and ruled by serpent gods.

-The fact that ancient texts from the same time period in different parts of the world describe the same things proves that the land of Mu really existed.

You can find answers to further speculations on the website of James Churchward’s grandson.


An 18 thousand years old tomb found in the ruins of Kara Kota in the Gobi desert and prehistoric earthenware bowls discovered in Glozel in France in 1925, which bear similarities to Uyghur script, support Colonel Churchward’s view that he was referring to certain facts.

There are historical inscriptions related to the continent of mu in almost every part of the world.

The tablets of ancient societies, which are unaware of each other, all mention the same sunken continent. Some tablets even indicate the date of Mu’s existence and mention the existence of the Mu continent between 200 thousand and 70 thousand years BC.

Germanic legends, Hittite tablets, Egyptian papyri, and Medinet Habu inscriptions all speak of the destruction of Atlantis.

It should be noted that these tablets do not mention Atlantis and Mu as a story, legend or sensation in the style of modern books. The descriptions in these tablets were usually made by people who had a direct organic connection with Mu.

The sinking of the continent of Mu is mentioned in all of these ancient tablets below;

2600 tablets found in 1921 by Dr. William Niven, now in the Mexican Museum.

the ancient Maya book troano manuscript found in Yucatán, now in the British Museum,

the Cortesian codex of the Book of Mayain the Madrid Museum . 

The “Lhassa Document” allegedly discovered byPaul Schlieman in a Buddhist temple in Tibet,

inscriptions in the temple of Uxmal, Mexico,

inscriptions fromthe Pyramid of Xochicaloin Mexico ,

peresianus and dresdensis codexes,

the ramayana epic of India,

Silk inscriptions found by archaeologist Sir Mark Aurel Stein in the tung haung caves of Turkmenistan in 1907,

The Egyptian Book of the Dead mentions the Mu Civilization, sometimes partially and sometimes explicitly.

In 1850, the amateur British archaeologist Sir Henry Layard managed to find thousands of intact clay tablets. Among these tablets, the story of the “flood” in the Assyrian language and the “Babylonian version” of the “Flood” in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” were discovered. In 1877, excavations conducted by the University of Pennsylvania in the ancient Sumerian city of Nippur uncovered a fragment of a tablet at least 3700 years old. This tablet also contained another version of the “Flood”, different from the Gilgamesh epic. 

We will get to the content of these inscriptions, i.e. what happened on the mu and atlantis, in a moment.

Again, all religions, both monotheistic and polytheistic, speak of a great flood and a savior who foretells it and saves the good people by taking them on board an ark.

Let us continue with other historical findings;

This stone map was found along with 350 other artifacts during gold excavations in an underground tunnel system in Ecuador in 1984. Professor Kimura, who analyzed the map, concluded that there was once a giant continental island, starting from the northernmost Japanese island and extending all the way down to Taiwan .

These luminous pyramid stones and ancient pre-Sanskrit writings found in the same place as this map are most likely from the Mu period. 

James Churcvard found two ancient paintings, one in Egypt and one in North America, that clearly depict the flood. The striking difference between the two paintings is that one shows mu falling into a pit of fire, while the other shows mu sinking into the waters.

In Mesopotamia, Leonard Wooley found extremely valuable and interesting clay tablets. In these tablets, called Sumerian King Lists, non-human rulers who lived before the flood are at the top of the list. Each of these kings lived for about 10 thousand years, 15 thousand years and ruled the country for a long time “before the Flood” and then handed over the administration to humans.The Babylonian texts explain this event by saying something like “when the kingdom came down from heaven”. The same cult exists more or less throughout Mesopotamia.

One of the most important surviving documents about the maya civilization is the codex troanus in the biritish museum. it states that mu and moud were shaken twice and disappeared in one night.

In the thousands of years old religion of the natives ofthe island of Polynesia, there is a belief that ancient civilizations were destroyed by the wrath of God.

“Our homeland… the kings, lies at the bottom of the ocean, ” saysan ancient Hawaiian legend .

The legend of the Zuni tribe says;

“Long, long ago the Zunis were very wicked and despite the warnings of the above, they did not give up their wickedness. until the shadow decided to wipe the people off the face of the earth. so the 2 great water sources of the world were opened, the reservoir above where all the rains are and the reservoir below which feeds all the springs and streams…”

Chinese records and the book Orea Linda also say that the destruction of Atlantis was caused by a shift in the earth’s axis. “Some mountains sank and some new mountains rose,” it adds.

Ignatus Donnelly, a U.S. senator and a prominent Atlantis researcher, characterizes Atlantis as the “Land Before the Flood” and argues that Atlantis was destroyed by a terrible catastrophe and that very few people escaped on rafts.

Murry Hope summarizes the sinking of Mu and Atlantis as follows: “In Plato’s account, violent natural disasters occurred, accelerated bythe approach of the comet.”

According to an inscription carved on the wall of the Teotuichan pyramid, also in Mexico, the sinking of Mu was as follows;:

“The terrible earth tremor that began on the 2nd maluk of the month of zak in the year 6 Kaan continued until the 13th of Shaan. the continent of mu fell victim to the catastrophe. the land of mu rose twice and then collapsed in one night. it was covered with water.  The earth lifted up and sat down several times. The catastrophe caused the death of 64 million people.”

In the records of Valmiki , who is also thought to be the author of the ancient Indian epic Ramayana , the inhabitants of Mu are described as great sailors who conquered the world ocean from south to north, west to east, and as great architects who built huge stone temples and palaces. 

One of the manuscripts found in an ancient Buddhist monastery in Lahasa, Tibet by the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schilmann reads:

When the star Bal fell on the place where is now only sea and sky the Seven Cities with their Golden Gates and Transparent Temples quivered and shook like the leaves of a tree in storm. And behold a flood of fire and smoke arose from the palaces. Agony and cries of the multitude filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels. And the wise Mu, the hieratic of Ra-Mu, arose and said to them: ‘Did not I predict all this?’ And the women and the men in their precious stones and shining garments lamented: ‘Mu, save us.’ And Mu replied: ‘You shall die together with your slaves and your riches and from your ashes will arise new nations. If they forget they are superior, not because of what they put on, but of what they put out, the same lot will befall them!’ Flame and smoke choked the words of Mu. The land and its inhabitants were torn to pieces and swallowed by the depths in a few months.”

According to the results of our research, the countries of Mu and Atlantis were countries that dominated the whole world and colonized other countries, in the style of America and Russia at that time.

The biggest evidence that Mu colonized and ruled the whole world is the pyramids and gigantic ancient structures built in a similar way all over the world, as we will talk about in detail in the future, but other written evidence are the following;

codex cortesianus describes mu as the ruler of the whole world, ruling the whole world.

The translation of the Mayan pattern in James Churcvard’s book “The Lost Continent of Mu” by James Churcvard is as follows.

 “The solar empire Mu has fallen into an abyss. In a dark region no longer lit by the sun. The other western lands have gone out with it. Its crown no longer rules the world.”

This information also proves that many of Mu’s colonies also suffered from this flood.

 Naacal texts tell us that the Holy Brothers carried the religion and sciences of Mu to other colonies “at least 70 thousand years ago”.


Sir Norman Lockyer’s astronomical research showed that at least 4 thousand years ago, space science in Britain and space science in Egypt were at a similar level, which led him to conclude that the British and Egyptians had a lot of knowledge thousands of years ago and that they were somehow in contact with each other and exchanged technology.


In all the episodes of this documentary series, you will see many proofs that all the artifacts belonging to the ancient period, which are already unknown all over the world, have the same characteristics and were built by the same people in the same period. Those who built these similar megalithic monuments with unknown technology in an unknown ancient period all over the world can only be the Mu or Atlantean civilization that spread and dominated the whole world before the flood.

According to the Tablets that James Churcvard examined in Tibet and which tell the story of 25 thousand years ago according to the inference made from the position of the stars; 2 large groups of colonizers are described as passing through South America by ships.

Churcvard also explains that Atlantis is a continent similar to Mu:

“I have come across an ancient Greek record which states that at the time Atlantis sank, there were 3 thousand Athenian soldiers in the country, presumably an invading army. An Egyptian papyrus records that the Greek god Poseidon was the first king of Atlantis, followed by a long succession, also named Poseidon. Atlantis was first shattered by earthquakes and then submerged.” In this sense, the fate of Atlantis was a repetition of the fate of Mu.”

TheEgyptian Book of the Dead is a sacred work dedicated to the people who perished in the destruction of Mu, the ancestor of the Egyptians and many other peoples:

“the Egyptians came from mu, a land that is dead and no longer exists…I am an Egyptian of pure lineage, my ancestors came from the now lost homeland mu, the empire of the sun”

An examination of the inscriptions engraved on the ceiling of the temple of Denderah in Egypt shows that the history of ancient Egypt coincides with that of Mu . In other words, the Egyptian civilization was founded together with Mu. We will see more evidence of this in the future.

According to Dr. Henry Schliemann, who is famous for his discovery of ancient Troy; A papyrus scroll, one of the oldest known papyri in the St. Petersburg Museum in Russia, says that Pharaoh Sent sent a reconnaissance team to investigate Mu. The expedition team returned 5 years later without finding any trace of Mu.

In another papyrus in the same museum, the Egyptian priest-historian Maneto refers to a period of 13 thousand 900 years under the rule of the Sages (Kings) of Mu. This papyrus records a period of about 16 thousand years ago, coinciding with the beginning of Egyptian history, as the peak of the Mu civilization.

Again, Heinrich Schliemann found a vase with the inscription “From the king Kronos of Atlantis” while examining the ruins of Troy in Hisarlik/Turkey.

Again, Churcvard says the following about the common culture of the world in the pre-flood period:

“A collection of objects from Tiahuanako, South America, is in the Louvre in Paris and is identical to what I found among the treasures of Priam. The fact that two vases from two regions as far apart as South America and Troy are of the same shape, the same size and decorated with identically arranged owl heads is more than coincidence.”

The more scientific findings progress, the more it becomes clear that this common ancient world culture belonged to an advanced civilization. 

For example, the Bermuda Triangle, believed to be the location of the sunken continent of Mu or Atlantis, the pyramids of Giza and the electromagnetic region called the “border of silence”, known to the american indians as the gate of the gods, are at the same latitude. the fact that these structures were built in harmony with each other is of course not a coincidence, but shows that these regions are connected to each other.

How much, then, were the colonies of Mu, which we will show in the next chapter to have committed the same sins as Mu, affected by the Flood?

Although the Torah says that Noah’s flood covered the whole world, that is, the whole earth was flooded, the Qur’an does not say that the flood covered the whole world. Islamic scholars are generally of the view that the flood only affected the evil-doing country or countries. However, as we have just explained, the countries of Mu and Atlantis conquered and colonized large parts of the world, such as modern-day America and Russia. this means that the flood must have affected a large part of the world, if not the whole world. the evidence we will now present shows that the flood affected a large part of the world, if not the whole world.

First of all, the Paleolithic Age is considered by scientists to be an unimaginably large and unknowable period of time. Although there are dozens of high-tech structures from that period, the scientific community believes that mankind did not develop scientifically in any way during this period.  In addition to dozens of ancient megastructures that are very difficult to build even with today’s technology, many ancient technological artifacts found in archaeological excavations are confiscated and stored by institutions such as the Smithsonian Institute, as we will show in the following chapters; all these pieces of the puzzle that make the big picture clear as they are unraveled constitute the main theme of the “black box of the world” documentary series. So forget the history of the world that you have been told, full of incomplete and false information.

Around 11 thousand years BC, scientists realized that a significant and unexpected change had occurred in human life and called this period of domestication and agriculture the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age).

As a result of this unexpected change, many peoples of the world perished, and many great civilizations were left in ruins and abandoned. Some exceptional regions, such as the civilization of  Akkad and Sumer, who replaced Mu, were unaffected or only slightly affected, as we will discuss later. But in general, humanity had lost enough technology to be dependent on very primitive tools.   Let us now try to present the evidence that this change, which took place in the 10 thousand years BC, was the result of the Flood;

The huge pyramids in South America are likely to be pre-flood structures.

Fray Bernardo de Lizana, in his book “historia de yucatan”, chapter 2, states:

“When the Spaniards arrived in this country, some of the monuments looked as new as if they had been built 20 years ago, but the natives did not live in them, they used them as temples and shrines and sacrificed in them, sometimes men, women and children. The construction of these structures was very ancient.”

The archaeologist Augustus le plongeon also says of the Maya pyramids, “These buildings were not built by the present race, nor by their ancestors.”

According to archaeologists in Mexico, all the buildings with the symbol of the kukul khan, the feathered serpent, date back 15 thousand years or more, and were erected during the time of the can (snake) dynasty.   So the builders of the buildings with the snake symbol had somehow disappeared. Because the people who replaced them, whose history goes back 2 thousand years BC, did not recognize the builders of the pyramids.


In addition, when the ancient buildings and pyramids in Mexico and neighboring countries were first discovered, many of them were found in the jungle, buried under layers of soil, rundown and abandoned, and then restored to attract tourists. The only reason these structures could be in such a state is because of destruction and flooding.

Again, Elephant bones have also been found in excavations in North America and Mexico and are said to be more than 12 thousand years old.  However, at the time of the Incas, whose culture dates back to 1300 BC, there was not a single elephant in South America. In other words, the elephants that existed on the continent 12 thousand years ago had disappeared as a result of a major event.

 In Uxmal, Mexico, the Temple of Sacred Mysteries was erected to commemorate the loss of the western lands. And this city of Uxmal suffered a catastrophe at the same time as Mu and was abandoned.Because Le Plongeon found an inscription on the temple walls that read: “this temple is a monument dedicated to the memory of Mu, the western land, the birthplace of our sacred mysteries.”  On the wall of one of the buildings it is written: “Uxmal was destroyed 3 times by earthquakes and rebuilt 3 times.”


Geologists have found conclusive evidence that there was a flood in the area of the Maya, that the sea water covered the area. The common statement of Historians who combine all these events with geological information is as follows;

“The tremors and swells caused by the earthquakes left the Mayan buildings in ruins. The huge waves that followed swept away all Life (including the white Maya of Yucatan). The results of these deluge waves can still be seen today as sand, gravel and small rocks around and between old ruins. some buildings that were completely destroyed by the tremors are covered with a special layer. After these disasters, which destroyed buildings and wiped out entire populations, left Central America and Yucatan, the country remained uninhabitable for a long time. 

 As soon as the land was fit for human habitation again, people from the surrounding area migrated inland and claimed the land as their own.”

Again, the jungle that covers the southern part of Yucatan is full of giant ruins.   According to indigenous sources, this forest was “part of the country beyond, which had been devastated by the waves of the great flood and had lost almost all its inhabitants and its roads had become impassable.”

At the time of Cortez’s conquest of Mexico, an Aztec priest told him the following: “A long, long time ago, a great flood covered the Valley of Mexico and drowned all the people. Confirming the priest’s account, these images are of 10 thousand years old human bones found underwater in the Mexican territory.

William Niven discovered three civilizations buried 29 miles north of Mexico City, separated by layers of sand, rock and gravel.  At Lake Titicaca in the Andes and in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco, there is evidence that the city was at sea level when it was first built. But the city is now 15 thousand feet above sea level.  Ancient man-made stone structures have also been found in Lake Titicaca. This is one of the proofs that some mountains rose after the Flood.

In the Colorado desert there arealso famous ruins of a great ancient civilization. These ruins are evidence of the habitat of ancient man. The Colorado desert, like Oregon and many other deserts, was a fertile land before the rise of the mountains left it without water. The Flood affected this ancient regions as well.

Historical remains in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico suggest that some civilizations existed in these regions before the mountains rose, before the Flood.

Giant human head sculptures weighing tons buried in the ground in various parts of the Americas also attest to the flood and pre-flood technology.     

The famous pyramids of Egypt experienced very similar historical events. Egyptologist Christopher Dunn says that the age of the pyramids is at least 12 thousand years old, based on recent general research.

In fact, the oldest pyramids in Egypt are the Giza pyramids, and the pyramids built after the Giza pyramids are simple, man-made structures, imitations of the Giza pyramids. This is the most important point that people get confused about the Egyptian pyramids. We need to understand these 2 different groups of pyramids, old and new. While the technology of the old pyramids cannot be understood how they were built, how the low-tech new pyramids were built is already described in detail even in the hieroglyphs inside them.This fact means that the technology that built Giza belonged to a different civilization, and that the technology of this civilization was destroyed by the flood, which we will prove in a moment. In its place, a tribe with much simpler technology remained or came, trying to imitate ancient technology and culture, just like in Mexico .

First of all, scientists who examined the time when the oldest lion sphinx in Egypt was facing the constellation of the lion, realized that the sphinx was facing that direction in 10 thousand 500 years BC, that is, it was built at least 12 thousand 500 years ago.

Archaeologist john anthony west studied the Sphinx for a long time and found abrasions on the statue caused by rains. So the Sphinx must have been built at the end of the ice age, about 10 thousand to 12 thousand years ago. the monument would have to have been exposed to rains for a very long time for such characteristic marks to appear on the Sphinx. So what were the rains doing in the Sahara desert that would have eroded a stone monument so heavily?

Again, according to the researches, it was understood that the Giza pyramids were flooded by a great sea water in 10 thousand BC as a result of the researches carried out inside the pyramids. 

When first entering the pyramid, the researchers stated that they encountered a lot of sea salt between the walls.

In the osiris shaft inside the Giza pyramid, there is a large puddle of water of unknown origin. it is clear that this water came from a catastrophe.

Again, in the book “earth epochs” by john jensen, you can find more evidence about the remains of sea creatures around the Giza pyramid and the erosion caused by sea waves. 

Even whale bones have been found in Africa and other major continents. According to the funny evolutionists, these whales were once able to move on land and that’s why they made it this far.    


In the light of this information, we can see that the flood clearly affected the Egyptian colony.

James churcvard writes:

“The Egyptians had carried the culture of Mu to their colony on the banks of the Nile. In my various excavations, I have observed that the culture of Egypt had developed as far back as the ancients. After Mu was destroyed, the country began to degenerate.” So, according to Churcvard, the Flood destroyed the technology available to the Egyptians.

the ancient port city of heraclion, located near qaitbay in alexandria, egypt, was also sunk by earthquakes. Statues and stone blocks weighing about 40 tons show that this harbor was built with similar technology to the Giza pyramids, that is, in the same period as the Giza pyramids. heraclion was also a large port and according to ancient records, it was a region where relations with mu were established. it was known as the gateway to egypt and the temples of amon isis were here. the statues of the bull with the sun on its head were the symbol of mu. In the light of this information, it is understood that the ancient city of Heraclion was also one of the buildings of the Mu period and sunk by earthquakes.

According to the ancient Egyptian historian Manetho, King Ptah ruled Egypt for 9 thousand years and then handed over the Egyptian kingdom, but his son Ra’s rule was interrupted after a short period of 1 thousand years because of the Flood.


This ancient site, thought to be a pyramid in Bosnia on the European continent, is also buried under a large layer of soil and vegetation. The fact that this ancient site in Bosnia is buried and abandoned and that these ancient structures were built with unknown ancient technology suggests that they were pre-flood structures.  Other ancient megalithic structures, such as menhirs and dolmens on the European continent, which were probably built close to the time of the Flood and have survived to the present day, will be shown in the following chapters.

But in general, the fact that ancient megalithic structures all over the world are in ruins, abandoned, buried under sands, deserts, waters, forests, and perhaps even under a layer of snow, is evidence that they were all subjected to a great catastrophe at the same time. This great catastrophe may have been the Flood, which is described in all cultures.  


The Uighur pyramids are in a similar situation. 

  An ancient record in a monastery reads: “The capital of the Uighurs, with all its people, was destroyed by a deluge that affected the entire eastern part of the empire and destroyed everything.” This ancient record is evidenced by geological events: From the roofs of the capital to the foundations of the ancient Khara Khota, an entire layer is covered with rocks, pebbles and sand. This is the result of waterlogging, as recognized by geologists all over the world.


 Geologically, this flood took place during an ice age in the Northern Hemisphere. The records say that the entire eastern part of the Uighur empire, including the capital, was wiped out, along with all its inhabitants, while nothing happened to the western and southwestern regions.

According to Churcvard’s research, half of the powerful Uighur state disappeared before the sinking of the Mu and the other half after the sinking of the Mu. (james churcward- son of mu)


To prove how deep-rooted civilizationin India was, one need only look to the west coast of India, where, on the bed of the Indian Ocean a few nautical miles from the present coastline, one can see the remains of large, impressive structures submerged under water.


In conclusion, given the scientific evidence, it can be concluded that although the Great Flood affected a large part of the world, it did not inundate all of it. in fact, the Qur’an says that the ark of the prophet Noah sat in a hilly region. one meaning of the word “judi” in the Qur’an is hilly, high region. it does not mean mountain or summit. the ark did not stop in the highest part of the world, such as Mount Everest.  

Quran Surah Hud Ayat 44-…So the water subsided, the command was fulfilled, and the Ark settled on Mount Judi, …

Sociological evidence for the existence of the continent of MU is also abundant.

According to Churcvard, the Maori natives in New Zealand were the people who remained from the time of Mu, Churcvard explained this issue in his work as follows;


“There is abundant evidence that the Maoris arrived in New Zealand before the sinking of Mu. I base these conclusions on the following: First, the Maoris have traditions of the distant past which are not found in any of the Pacific Islands. Second, they have important and very distinctive symbols originating from Mu which are not found in any of the Polynesian Islands. The natural conclusion of these facts is this: The Maoris came to New Zealand directly from the Mainland (MU).”

Again, the Chinese came to their region from somewhere else. A prominent tradition in China goes like this: “The Chinese have not always lived in Asia.  They came to Asia from a distant land, from the side where the sun rises.”

Again, according to many researchers, the Polynesian natives of the South Sea islands are white people, and they are the missing link that unites the white people of the world.

When the research on this subject is deepened, we believe that similar conclusions will be drawn about other races.

According to James Churcvard’s research, there is no record of primitivism anywhere in the world before the destruction of Mu. Corruption, primitivism, cannibalism started after the destruction of Mu. This shows that after the Great Flood, humanity lost a lot of information, technology and opportunities, which is why primitive life emerged.

 Again, the fact that some unconnected ancient societies speak a common language suggests that they lived together at an unknown time and were dispersed to different parts of the world as a result of an event. If this similarity were only between two societies, it could be attributed to something other than the mu theory. However, the fact that all the peoples of the world use similar words and their languages are related to each other has led scientists to think that they all once spoke the same language and that they were dispersed to different parts of the world.


According to Leonard V. Dalton in his book Venezuela, the languages of the people of Venezuela are similar to those of many other parts of the world. This suggests that all these different peoples once lived together or were influenced by a common culture.”


As we have already mentioned, the natives of Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia are almost identical in religion and language, even though they are unaware of each other.


Again, in this table, you can clearly see that the languages of Maya and Egypt are almost identical. This table alone is evidence of the existence of mu and the influence it has had on many cultures around the world.


As a result, these facts and the ethnographic facts that will be revealed when researched prove the existence of mu. Again, as we will see in more detail in the following chapters, the presence of the same symbols and beliefs that existed on the continent of Mu in civilizations that were unaware of each other is a clear proof of the existence of Mu.


Structures left unfinished by the Flood

An important proof of the Flood is the presence of unfinished ancient structures all over the world. The common characteristic of these structures is that they all belong to the ancient period, they were built with the same technology, and most of them were suddenly discontinued and left unfinished for no reason. although there is no definite conclusion about the age of these structures, scientists generally believe that these megalithic structures, whose technology is not understood, are more than 10 thousand years old.


The common characteristic of most of the regions where these structures are located is that they were abandoned for unknown reasons, and the civilization there was left to decay. Something happened such that the construction of these structures was suddenly stopped and left as they were. The strange thing is that the builders of these monuments also disappeared. According to researchers, this situation, which also puzzles scientists, can only be explained by either a flood or another type of destruction.

For example, the giant statues on the island of Moai were found sunken and abandoned, and some of the statues were found unfinished.

The meticulously kept accounts at Drehem, a tax station near Nippur, where thousands of clay tablets were kept during the Third Ur Dynasty of the Sumerians, were abruptly interrupted in the third year.


This sudden extinction of the Sumerians was caused either by the great flood or by violent storms. this will be explained in the chapter on the Sumerians. 


The temple at Gobekli Tepe, which is similar to Stonehenge, is bigger and more complex than Stonehenge. I don’t think the Gobeklitepe temple is older than Stonehenge, because the evidence you will see in this documentary series will prove that all these megalithic structures were built in the same time period.   Göbekli Tepe was built according to the stars, meaning that it was a pagan temple like all other megalithic structures built in the same period. In Göbekli Tepe, blocks weighing 50 tons were buried and abandoned for no reason. Either the people here realized what they were doing was wrong and buried and abandoned these structures, or this city was destroyed by a natural disaster and disappeared into history.

Another very important example is puma punku. The ruins of puma punku, made of thousands of years old mega stones, are in such a state that it looks like an unfinished construction. the stones were prepared but left without construction.

 Again, the famous Baalbek structures, made of stone blocks weighing thousands of tons, seem to have suddenly and mysteriously stopped. James Churcvard wrote in his book that even earthquakes could not explain this disappearance;


“The Baalbek structures were never completed. And the construction of these buildings was suddenly stopped. And why? When one looks at the monolith in the Baalbek quarry, one thinks of the great unfinished monolith in a quarry on Easter Island, 10-15 thousand kilometers away. There is not the slightest doubt that the collapse of the structures at Baalbek was also the result of earthquakes that occurred just as they were about to be completed. But what happened to the laborers who worked there? Neither I nor anyone else can answer that, but we can only speculate. They have been so wiped off the face of the earth that not even a trace of them remains.”

Quran Az-Zukhruf-8-And We destroyed greater than them in [striking] power, and the example of the former peoples has preceded.

Quran  Ar Rum-9-Have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? They were greater than them in power, and they plowed the earth and built it up more than they have built it up, and their messengers came to them with clear evidences. And Allah would not ever have wronged them, but they were wronging themselves.

Quran Al-An’am-100- But they have attributed to Allah partners – the jinn, while He has created them –

The great deserts that exist in almost every continent of the world were probably formed by the flood. because for such a great drought and desert to form, there must be great events. deserts such as the Sahara, the Gobi, and the Antarctic can only be formed as a result of great events. scientists who ignore the flood factor cannot fully explain how these regions, which were previously fertile soils, turned into deserts. However, the fact that the Giza pyramid, the Uighur pyramids, and many other ancient structures that we will present later are in deserts, and most importantly, the presence of whale fossils in all of these deserts, yes, you did not hear wrong, the presence of many whale fossils in all of these deserts is the biggest indication that the flood disaster hit these deserts. Could it be that this catastrophe that destroyed this entire civilization and system and ended as if it had started with the press of a button and then pressed again and it was over, could it have happened by chance? Or was it carried out by a Creator to whom all scientific evidence points? 


Stay with us, stay with the truth, stay happy and strong to learn what happened to the people of the Prophet Noah, namely Mu and Atlantis, and the process leading to the Flood in the next episode.

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