Tag: age of jinns

Dimensional Beings Living Thousands of Years

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Both Jinns (in İslamic Cultur) and Aliens Live For Many Years

Another evidence that jinns and aliens are the same beings is that both of them live for very long years.

First of all, according to quantum physics, it is a scientific fact that the perception of time changes in other dimensions. in other words, a being in a different dimension will experience a different perception of time from our dimension. in addition, according to Islamic sources, jinn move at a speed close to light. this is mentioned in a verse in the Quran. according to scientific laws, time will flow more slowly for a fast-moving being. 

“One mighty jinn responded (to the prophet Solomon), “I can bring it to you before you rise from this council of yours. And I am quite strong and trustworthy for this ˹task˺.” (Quran An- Naml- 39)

 We will see later that in ancient inscriptions, kings who were not human and came from the sky lived for thousands of years. 

Those who contacted aliens stated that aliens lived for very long years, 1000-2000 years. Likewise, those who communicate with jinns also say that jinns live for 1000-2000 years. Reincarnation events, which we will touch on later, are also related to jinns living for so long. A devil who knows the life of a person who lived a long time ago in detail haunts a person living today and gives him the information of that person who lived before and tells him that he is him. 

Youtube/ TheRealSources