Tag: are aliens and jinn the same

Similarities Between Alien and Jinns Abductions

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Both Jinns (İn İslamic Cultur)  and Aliens Can Abduct People


“Another similarity is the sealing of those who are abducted by both jinns and aliens. In every culture, people who are abducted by jinns or aliens are sealed in an unknown way with an unknown substance. And again, many of these people have microchips made of unknown materials in their bodies. Many women from different countries have reported that they were abducted and raped by jinns or aliens in their sleep or while awake, that they felt the physical effects and traces of it when they woke up, that they saw redness on their bodies. They have consulted doctors, psychologists, and religious leaders about this issue. In an article published in Nature magazine in September 1986, it was reported that unidentified microchips were found in the genital area of a pregnant woman by professors from Oxford University. Many people who have microchips in their bodies despite not having surgery have either come to the hospitals themselves or these chips have been detected by doctors by chance. Many of these people have stated that they were abducted by aliens. And they told the same scenarios.

Look, this is what happens. Both those abducted by jinns and those abducted by aliens have this henna-like substance on their hands, especially children, the day after the abduction. -What is this then? -It could not be understood what this was but it was also detected in people who were abducted in Australia, Israel and America. And it appeared on their bodies, pajamas, clothes as well. This is a slightly sticky thing and it is very difficult to clean, even if you wash your hands all day it does not come off. This is very common in Turkey as well, many small children wake up with these marks on their hands in the morning and their families are very comfortable about this. The jinns took you to a wedding last night, how nice they say and continue their normal lives.

Now this is a phenomenon that we see all over the world, that after abduction people have a henna-like substance on their bodies, on their skin. There are also marks left on the skin. Sealing, surgery scars, bruises, stitch marks. Because in many abduction cases, the person is subjected to a surgery by extraterrestrial beings. They place microchips or remove previously placed microchips. or as you said, especially women are impregnated by artificial insemination method by extraterrestrial beings. Because the goal is to develop a hybrid race. And after a certain period of time, that fetus is taken back after two and a half three months. Can we go to picture number 12 please? This is related to abduction. Look at picture number 12 now. This is a mark left on the body of a person who has been kidnapped outside our country. Okay. Let’s move on to the next one please. This is another person who woke up with this mark on his body the day after being abducted. It cannot be understood what it is. -Where do these pictures come from? Who do they belong to? -These are photos taken during abduction research abroad. That is, the person is abducted by aliens, there is no such mark until one day before, he wakes up with it the next day. Let’s continue please. Because we will make a very important connection from here. Yes another person. Another abduction incident woke up with such a mark left on his body. A sealing has occurred. Let’s continue please. This too. Look, these are all from abroad. Now look, this is from Turkey. A mutual friend of ours sent this to me. This picture, This is your area of expertise. This was left by a jinn, wasn’t it? -Now in the previous pictures, we saw the marks that appeared on the bodies of people who claimed to be abducted by aliens in Farah Hanım’s own archive. This last picture is a seal that the jinn hit the patient during a jinn session.


Youtube/ TheRealSources