Tag: gods

Dimensional Beings Living Thousands of Years

You can see the visual evidence of the bottom article in the video above.

Both Jinns (in İslamic Cultur) and Aliens Live For Many Years

Another evidence that jinns and aliens are the same beings is that both of them live for very long years.

First of all, according to quantum physics, it is a scientific fact that the perception of time changes in other dimensions. in other words, a being in a different dimension will experience a different perception of time from our dimension. in addition, according to Islamic sources, jinn move at a speed close to light. this is mentioned in a verse in the Quran. according to scientific laws, time will flow more slowly for a fast-moving being. 

“One mighty jinn responded (to the prophet Solomon), “I can bring it to you before you rise from this council of yours. And I am quite strong and trustworthy for this ˹task˺.” (Quran An- Naml- 39)

 We will see later that in ancient inscriptions, kings who were not human and came from the sky lived for thousands of years. 

Those who contacted aliens stated that aliens lived for very long years, 1000-2000 years. Likewise, those who communicate with jinns also say that jinns live for 1000-2000 years. Reincarnation events, which we will touch on later, are also related to jinns living for so long. A devil who knows the life of a person who lived a long time ago in detail haunts a person living today and gives him the information of that person who lived before and tells him that he is him. 

Youtube/ TheRealSources

İn Islam, Jinn (Alien) Can Marry Humans

You can see the visual evidence of the bottom article in the video above.

Both Jinn(in İslamic Cultur) and Aliens Can Cause Hybrids


Another proof that both jinn and aliens are the same beings is the large number of hybrid alien corpses found. Jinns can biologically cross over into our dimension and have sexual relations with humans. Hybrid creatures are born from this relationship. These hybrids are of two types according to the experts. There are those in mutant form in the third dimension, the dimension of humans, and those in the upper dimension, the dimension of aliens, who have almost the same characteristics as aliens.  There are many concrete evidences of those who are in the third dimension in mutant form. After the earthquake in Istanbul during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid Khan of the Ottoman Empire, underground corridors were opened around the obelisk. Children wandering there find a broken sarcophagus. A mummy half snake half human comes out of the sarcophagus. Pictures of this creature are published in a newspaper called Resimli Gazete. But today only that issue of that newspaper is missing. It was probably collected by a secret society. Again, long skulls were found in a mass grave discovered in Peru in 1928. As a result of genetic research today, it has been determined that these skulls do not belong to any human race or monkey on earth. These skulls are different from the skulls of ancient people who later deformed and elongated their skulls to resemble alien gods.   


Again, the long skulls found in the mysterious underground tunnels in Malta have disappeared. the Maltese government has rejected this issue by not allowing any research to be carried out. there are many ancient megalithic structures in Malta. and according to scientists, it is certain that there were snake priests and baby sacrifices in ancient times in Malta. 

Egypt asked for help from Russia because of a cemetery that two Bedouins accidentally found underground. The KGB examined the incident in 1961 under the name Project ISIS. They named the tomb Visitor God. It has been stated in the archives that more than one mummy found there did not have human characteristics and DNA, and these mummies were confiscated by the Russians. The inscriptions found state that winged gods will come back after thousands of years and ask people to obey them, and they will kill those who rebel. And again, corpses that surprise scientists with their features of having consciousness while not having human DNA, which are found dead in various regions, are traces of hybrids who die in our dimension. These corpses can be in different shapes due to being mutants, but their general characteristics are the same. 


The pictures you see here are the pictures that we have concluded that they are not fake as a result of our long research. Many of the bodies you see here have already been confiscated and examined by state authorities and scientists. there are also many bodies that are not known for certain and that are claimed to have disappeared. but we have not included those that are not certain in this documentary.  


The results of the examination of some of these mysterious corpses have been explained by scientists that these corpses were in fact human, but with a very large mutation. scientists have said that some of them have 98% human genes. but there is already a 2% gene difference even between ape and human. so even a 2% mutation creates a completely different creature. this genetic difference is the result of human and alien mating. because scientists have no explanation or theory as to what could cause such a large mutation.   


In addition, the ancient giants, which we will talk about in chapter 8, are also hybrid creatures, because mutations have been found in their bones. we will talk about the myth of giants that exists all over the world and the existence of bones belonging to these giants in our future chapters.


Youtube/ TheRealSources