Tag: religions and dimensional beings

Marriage with Dimensional beings in Ancient History

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Both jinn and aliens can fall in love with humans.

Again, another proof that both jinns and aliens are the same beings is that they both have sexual desire for human women. As surprising as it may sound, jinn have a biological body. Although the details of this biological body issue are disputed by the relevant scholars, we have determined that such a possibility is higher as a result of our research. And again, surprising as it may sound, Jinns with biological bodies want to have sexual intimacy with human women. there are many evidences of this phenomenon all over the world. in documentaries about abduction, especially the abduction of women is emphasized. The reason why aliens abduct women the most and why Jinns haunt women the most is because they are both the same. 

“Will you, then, take him and his progeny as your guardians rather than Me although they are your open enemies?” (Holy Quran- al kahf-50)

From this verse in the Quran it is clearly explained that jinns can also marry and have children. 


“In both ˹Gardens˺ will be maidens of modest gaze, who no human or jinn has ever touched before. ” (Holy Quran Ar-Rahman-56)

In this Quranic verse, the Arabic word “Tams” is used, which means to bleed, that is, to break celibacy.  So in this verse it is clearly explained that jinn can have sexual intercourse with human women.

 Islamic scholars throughout history have not debated whether jinn can marry humans or not.  They have debated whether it is right for jinn and humans to marry. In Imam Shibli’s book, there are many narrations about the jinn’s sexual assaults on human girls and their marriage proposals. This book also contains the debates among Islamic scholars in the past regarding the marriage of humans and jinn. Jinn, like humans, can lust for human women.There are many evidences for this. There are many people who have married djinns. Even today, it is said that in the Eastern and Southeastern regions of Turkey, snakes abduct young girls by casting spells and take them to underground caves. It is also known that women are more haunted by aliens and women are more often abducted by aliens.  In early European history, no sanctions were imposed on women who had intercourse with demons, but later on witches and women who had sexual relations with the devil were executed. In one recorded incident in 1468, a woman reported that the devil’s genital were like ice. Documents from the 13th century record that demons disguised themselves as women and took sperm from men. A 1698 court report is from a woman who said that her dead husband had returned and impregnated her. Similar historical reports can be found in many different cultures. Many people report having children with jinns. Similarly, alien abductees have also reported getting pregnant by aliens and having alien spouses.


In order for jinns to haunt women or have any influence over them, the woman must have a magnetic deficiency for some reason. Only in this way can the Jinns haunt by using the magnetic deficit. In order to create a magnetic deficit, one must cast a spell or commit great sins to create a magnetic deficit in the chakras. This is because the negative brain chemicals that occur when committing great sins also create magnetic openings. In the following chapters we will show historical records of alien gods in ancient civilizations lusting after, abducting or marrying human women.

Paranormal Healer Volkan Kemal Ergenekon:

I know a very well-known model who got married this way, and she finally confessed to me. We even had a session. Two friends from TGRT, a cameraman and a presenter, we were at a modeling agency in Bakırköy. I realized it there. I felt that she was in such a relationship because of one or two of her features. Then she said yes, Volkan Abi, I really was married to them unfortunately. I have two children. They are very serious about this.There are even university graduates among them, very conscious and very healthy people. -He must be dreaming. -No, there’s no reason for him to dream. Just for this reason, a psychiatric doctor came to me from America, a woman doctor came, a 50-year-old doctor who was the chief of the clinic at New York Hospital, 14 years ago. And she said, “As a Catholic, I believe in this phenomenon. “I think some of the patients I treated were not psychological or physiological,” she said. She’s patients were like this because they were haunted by these entities. She is a very conscious person. And she himself has confessed to this phenomenon. About marrying them.

Youtube/ TheRealSources