What was the First Religion?-Origions of Religlions [Black Box’s Of The World Documentary -1]

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will makes more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”- Nikola Tesla.


You played this documentary because you want to reach the truth and your soul needs the truth. And because you know that the facts guide us to believe in and to live the truth, protect us, make us who we are, and lead us to our ultimate goal. That’s why people have tried to believe in the truth as much as possible throughout history, and the more true their beliefs, the stronger they have been.
 Although in today’s world where lies are proliferating, religions, which are belief systems for many people; their realities have become can’t unknown. But in this documentary, you will see the reality of beliefs. Because scientifically, a piece of knowledge is either true or false, there is no in-between.

Then, how did beliefs and religions arise? Did someone come out and say, ‘Let’s worship something.’ and did other people like it and obey it?Did the whole world say, ‘okay, let’s worship these gods we invented?’Did people sacrifice so many people with stupid guesses to the gods they had invented in the past, or did they make such magnificent pyramid temples for gods that were not there?What was the power that made them believe this much? What was the reason for the formation of religions? For the Gods who answer prayers? Where are they? We will discuss in the upcoming parts the reason why religions are so similar all over the world and people’s entire social lives are? You have always watched documentaries about the origins of all these religions prepared in a very narrow and restricted field in a very short time. These documentaries, which describe the evolution of monotheistic religions from polytheistic religions, are always looked back to 3-5 thousand years ago. For example, 10 thousand years ago, the evidence before the flood, even the flood itself is ignored.Referring to the similarity between ancient religions and today’s heavenly religions, it is said that monotheistic religions were derived from polytheistic religions. However, the discourses of the Abrahamic religions, that is, the idea that the original monotheistic religion was sent again as previous religions were corrupted, are ignored. Again who and what the gods of polytheistic religions are and the characteristics of God in monotheistic religions are mentioned as follows; there is no mention of from what and how they came from, or where they came from.  In other words, factors that constitute religions are not clearly emphasized. To mention, as we will mention and prove later on in this series; Syriacs were the first Christians to perform prayers (salaat) like Muslims. These prayers eventually disappeared after the separation in Christianity. It was the same for the first Jews as well, for their own; they were responsible for performing prayers at the beginning. Thou, their prayers had disappeared later on. So, what caused this change to occur in real life?  We will present the proofs in a moment; what made it polytheistic by breaking monotheistic religions.   Why did so many communities of people believe in these religions and follow them and even sacrifice their lives? What did people who believed in these monotheistic religions, in the past and today, have seen and witnessed? What was the driving force that would make people believe in many or one god?What we will mention and discuss in this chapter are as following; the fact that the polytheistic religions are the same all over the world without having any knowledge about each othershows that these religions have a source and this source is the same. Likewise, the fact that the heavenly religions, which you will see many examples of which you will see in this documentary series, are the same and the oldest monotheistic religions in the world are shown to be alike. Now we will see the evidence and the sources of religions that will lead to the answers to all these questions gradually.And in this series of documentaries, you will begin to see and understand the big picture in the world as you see these evidences like a jigsaw puzzle with each other.  If we focus primarily on the question of what was the first religion and how this religion was; According to the sources of the 3 major sacred religions the first monotheistic religion to Adam was sent by the creator himself. So what does scientific research say about this subject?Evolutionist scientists are that monotheistic religions evolved from polytheistic religions are proposed as a theory that makes sense at first sight. At the first, they thought that they had dealt a huge blow to religious beliefs thanks to this accepted theory. However, this excitement that developed in evolutionist scientists turned into disappointment over time. Because evolutionist theories about the origin of religion began to contradict with the actual data and was in a position to be criticized. In any case, none of the evolutionist theorists went among the primitive tribes and made observations and studies personally. They based their theories on the memoirs of traveler’s and missionaries’ reports. Later, research and general knowledge among primitive societies revealed that these theories were not consistent and also that there  were examples all over the world that were exactly the opposite of what evolutionists had said.


The first serious objection to the evolutionist Tylor’s theory of animism came from his student Andrew Lang. Lang, based on the latest information he had obtained about the primitive tribes of Africa, America, and southeast Australia, revealed that there was no animism in primitive tribes, but also the notion of a supreme creator deity believed to exist in the sky which was controlling people’s moral manners. In addition to this supreme God, who ruled the universe from above, who is the absolute power, who is regarded as the absolute good and worthy of respect, the existence of small deities and spirits that play a direct role in the life of the tribe was believed in. Another similar thesis was defended by Wilhelm Schmidt. After his ethnological research among primitive tribes, Schmidt stated that there was a single God understanding in the first form of religion. Schmidt put forward his views in his work “The Origin of the Concept of God”.

The results of the study of religions around the world, led by anthropologists such as Andrew Lang and Wilhelm Schmidt, showed that religions did not evolve from polytheistic to less godly, but were occasionally distorted. This information was examined in great detail in the journal Anthropos, which was published under the leadership of Schmidt and deals with the issue of the origin of religions. The most noteworthy point was that there was a single creator God belief above all the superstitious deities that these tribes believed.

that is, all pagan societies have two different god beliefs; 1- the god who created everything. 2- the gods who govern people under him.

Likewise, the pagan Arabs believed in God, who created everything, but regarded the gods below as intercessors.

Again, an ignorant Arabian says the following in his poem.

I swear to Lat, ‘Uzzây’ and those who worship them, also to Allah; for Allah is greater than them.

The Qur’an clearly denigrates their situation. When asked to whom the world and its rulership originally belonged to the polytheists, they said, undoubtedly, it is Allah.

When Stephan Langdon from Oxford University announced his findings to the world of science in 1931, he said that the information he obtained was very unexpected, because he was aware that these findings completely contradicted previous evolutionist explanations. Langdon explained his findings:

“Man’s earliest history, in my view, shows a very rapid degradation from belief in one god to belief in the existence of many (so-called) gods and evil spirits.”

Anthropologist Sir Flinders Petrie also says that polytheistic beliefs emerged from the distortion of monotheistic religions over time. Moreover, this deterioration process is observed not only in communities that lived in the past, but also today. Petrie says:

In ancient religions, gods are found in many classes. However, such an approach is also used in many cultures today. For example, a Hindu enjoys living among the growing numbers of gods and goddesses .  Others do not even worship gods, but worshiping animistic spirits, demons .  If worshiping spirits was the first step in an evolutionary process that led to worship of a single deity. It would have been in this case, we should have seen the evidence that polytheism gradually evolved into monotheism .  On the contrary, all we can see is that the belief in one God is always the first step.  Wherever we can trace the belief in polytheism to its first formation, we see that this is a variation of the belief in one God . ”

The anthropologist Le Page Renouf says the following about the same situation in the history of Egypt:

“The formation of the Egyptian religion did not occur when many gods were eliminated and turned into one God. On the contrary, when the religion of Egypt was close to the belief of one God, it coincided with the earliest times of this civilization. The final stages of the Egyptian religion were the most corrupt of all Egyptian religions.“

“Original: we find Egypt in the last ages arrived at the most unbridled Polytheism.”

Edward McCrady said the following about the same situation when mentioning Indian history:

 “ In the Veda, we see that the belief of one God is before the belief of many gods . Even after a very long time, belief in a single eternal God among countless gods emerges like the blue sky emerging from the pagan understanding that envelops the sky like a mist.”

“Original:  But  there  is a  monotheism  that  precedes  the  polytheism  of  the Veda,  and  even  in  the  invocations  of  their  innumer- able gods  the  remembrance  of  a  God,  one  and  infinite, breaks  through  the  mist  of  an  idolatrous  phraseology, like  the  blue  sky that is hidden by passing clouds. (p.559)


Again Axel W. Persson says in his book Prehistoric Greek, which is about the same situation in Greek history:

“The belief of the only God that existed from the beginning has turned into countless important insignificant divine personalities that we see in Greek religious myths.  In my view, the existence of these many deities is due to different interpretations over time of different names describing a one and only God.”

In summary; The German philosopher Schelling, after studying the Indian biblical Vedas, says:

“All mankind was once a single entity and they believed in the only god. The oldest religion, star, star, were dismembered.”

 “O believers!˺ Always turn to Him ˹in repentance˺, be mindful of Him, and establish prayers. And do not be polytheists ˹like˺ those who have divided their faith and split into sects, each rejoicing in what they have.” (Quran Ar-rum 31-32)


In other words, the monotheistic religion was corrupted and became a polytheistic religion. At first, people who worshiped God somehow started to worship evil spirits and demons.


All of this is a proof of, at least in all religions at the beginning, one creative belief had prevailed. Such that it is possible to see the traces of the first religion and one common source everywhere on researches. For example; Even in the most ancient and oldest traditions of the most primitive and first tribes, Adam belief is mentioned;

In the legends of the Hawaiian Island Indians, Adam and Eve are described as follows:

 the creator Taaroa created the first man from the red earth araea and breathed into his nostrils. He created the woman from the bones of the man and named her Ivi. “

Again in a Tonga tradition, it says that “the first man killed his son’s brother”

Also in the tradition of Maori in New Zealand: “it says that the first man’s son killed his brother”

Even in the Gilgamesh Epic of Pagan Sumerians, It is mentioned implicitly in the form of Adam from Adapa.

The first human also in the Quran, It is mentioned about Adam and his wife Havva and also his son Kabil killed to Habil.

In a similarity again; even in the most ancient religions that are known, there are beliefs of sin and heaven similar to the heavenly religions of today.

James Churcvard, who studied the tablets dating back to 10s of thousands of years about the Sunken Mu Continent tribe- which is one of the oldest known tribes before the Flood- came across a text that says:

“I believe there are 8 ways to reach heaven… Here I must prove that I am free from 12 earthly sins”

Heaven and The belief in sin has been seen since the first man, and in the future, this  belief in heaven in the people of Mu will be distorted and replaced by reincarnation.

The most important similarity in this regard is that the creative profile of today’s heavenly religions is similar to the creative belief in antiquity. The ancient period, the Naga says in the scriptures:

“The creator is incomprehensible to man and therefore he is neither illustrated nor named, he is nameless.”

This creative belief in ancient times fits us almost exactly to the creative belief described in the Quran today.

There is nothing like Him: He is the All Hearing, the All Seeing. [Quran-Shura Surah-11]

 “No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.” Quran-Enam Sura-103. Similar verse in the Bible: John 1, 18. Similar verse in the Torah: exit 33, 20.

When America was discovered, the surprising similarities between the ancient Inca religion and the Christian religion also surprised the European occupiers. Many things were similar between the ancient Inca religion, which had no contact with each other, and the Christian religion, but for a reason we will learn later, the idea of ​​Satan was discarded in the pagan inca religion.

It is possible to increase this evidence. It was even told by Muslim explorers that the natives in forests where there was no hatchet performed prayer-like movements.

“Someone has done a good job. You see, Noah’s Flood is present in all tribes of Africa. It also exists in the natives of South and North America of America. There are also in the northernmost Eskimos of Asia. Such a flood is mentioned in all nations in Europe and Asia. Now they say that this was transferred from one nation to another from one nation to another. However, there is such a fact that if a fact is mentioned in the books from the Prophet Adam or all over the world or in all religions, it shows the unity of this source. not crossing each other. ”

The information we have learned so far shows that all monotheistic religions came from the same source. Otherwise such similarity in the world cannot be explained by the fact that people invented or came up with the idea of religions. As a matter of fact, when we look at the history, we see that these religions have not been formed by people, but that  religions were actually degraded by people, and we will see in more detail in the future parts. This case of coming from the same source proves why today’s monotheistic or heavenly religions, which always talk about the same things and accept each other’s prophets, are so similar to each other. Indeed, in monotheistic religions, the first versions resemble each other as if they were duplicates.

One invisible creator, the Hereafter, angels, devils, fasting, aids, good deeds, sacrifice, worship, belief in holy places, even holy places, are almost the same in the uncorrupted / unchanged monotheistic religions known today. Even the prophets that are believed are the same. The prophets of Judaism, Christianity and Islam brought similar religions with great miracles and revolutions, and today the vast majority of humanity belongs to these religions. Again, although people know only these three religions as monotheistic religions, according to the source of these three religions, monotheistic religion existed since the first man and was constantly renewed as it deteriorated.

Yes, it is surprising that the heavenly religions are so similar, if you are making them up, it makes you say why you make up the same things with each other. Create a different religion and don’t let people say it was stolen from that religion. Why do you all have the same things? We have just shared with you what anthropologists think of how polytheistic religions were formed by the breakdown of monotheistic religions, and what was surprising was that the distorted monotheistic religions, that is, the polytheistic religions that were formed, were also identical.




When looked at, Mesopotamian gods, Ancient Greek gods, Ancient Chinese gods and Ancient Egyptian gods and Hind gods, in short, ancient gods all over the world are very similar to each other in many aspects.

All over the world, polytheistic religions are duplications. All of them have gods in the form of snakes, lions, oxen, eagles, giants, half-human half-animal gods. The same symbols such as cadus, Venus, sun, moon, magician priests, pyramid temples, human sacrifice rituals, and the same worship methods and teachings. All of them always want the same things from people, all of them are mentioned that these gods are demons / devils.

Although their names differ from culture to culture, their desires, forms and beliefs of those who believe in these gods are the same even in different cultures. On the subject, historians have proved us that there were the same gods in different societies and that similar characteristics were exhibited in all descriptions of these god. We wouldnt want to confuse you with naming each of them one by one. But if we need to give an important example on the subject, the head god Baal Idol can be given as an example;


According to modern studies, although the gods named Baal, Nimrod, tammuz, shamash, amar-utu, marduk, amon ra, quetzalcoatl, mitra, molec, jupiter, zeus, odin, hubel , shiva, seem like the gods of different cultures they are essentially the same exact gods. They are all derivatives of the Baal god. They have passed to different cultures with different names. In other words, the Babylonian god Baal is also Shamash in Akkadian and Amar-utu  in Sumerians, Marduk in Assyrians, and Ra in the Egypt, Quetzalcoatl in the Aztecs, Mithra the God of Light and Wisdom among the Persians. In Indians, Shiva is both Molecule in Carthaginians, Jupiter from Roman and Celtic Gods, and Zeus from Ancient Greek Gods. Odin in northern Europe, as well as the hubel worshiped by Arabs before Islam was preached. Baal  is also worshiped by Masons today under the name of Baphomet. In almost all cultures, this  god named Baal, which has the same characteristics but is called different names, is the sun god, the snake sacred animal.

“Do you call upon Baaʿl and leave the best of creators” (Quran -Saffat 125)

 “I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the LORD’s commands and have followed the Baals.” (Bible-Kings 18 verse 18) 


In other words, according to the historical studies of religions, societies that belonged to the polytheistic religion always worshiped the same gods although they were given different names. Other gods have similar names in different cultures. There are so many similarities in the details of this subject; we will provide content with giving examples that are important when necessary.

We understood that polytheistic religions were formed by the corruption of monotheistic religions.

So how did the monotheistic religions in different geographies become alike when they were corrupted?

Another very important point was that these Pagan religions, into which idols entered, had the opposite methods of belief from the heavenly religions methods. Whatever the heavenly method religions had said, the Pagan religions said the opposite. Monotheistic religions and polytheistic religions; Except for the slightest similarities, were diametrically opposed to each other.

We all know more or less about monotheistic religions. With the exception of some sections and teachings of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, most teachings are common in monotheistic religions. The Creator, who is the only and the beginning of all things, is the ‘epitome’ of goodness and justice, almighty, endless power, everything elset that has been created. It is different from everything that exists, everything except itself is created, the Creator; He asks people to do good for his own consent without expecting any benefit from anyone else, and he asks him to worship to justify this consent. Although idols and images occupy most sects of Christianity, in fact all heavenly religions are opposed to worshiping an idol and a depiction, the creator cannot be seen and portrayed. In polytheistic religions, the situation is very different from monotheistic religions. First of all, in polytheistic religions, gods are not seen as creators. Religion history expert James Churcward had said”is it for the lost continent”  about this topic in his book:

“Throughout this book, especially in translations, I have avoided using the word God in place of the Creator, because the word God did not mean the Creator for the ancients. Since our scholars could not understand the difference between the god of ancient times and the God of today, they imagined that the ancients regarded all their gods as Creators and consequently produced and worshiped many gods. Thus, science has caused such a confusion that ordinary people can take the approach to this issue as limited and narrow-minded has become. “

To continue with, gods in polytheistic religions, which are different from their creative profile in monotheistic religions;cannot be considered as symbols of goodness and justice. They show human weaknesses. They act according to their interests and feelings. These gods in polytheistic religions are not infinitely powerful. They are portrayed as possessing human-like personal traits, in addition to having some individual (supernatural) power, abilities, and knowledge. In polytheistic religions, gods can be related, rival, foe, or buddy to each other. There is a limit to what the Gods can do because their power is not infinite, as we have mentioned before. They may need to strive, persuade other gods, to make their desires come true. sometimes there may be rules above all gods. Gods outlive humans, but they are not immortal as in heavenly religions. In most polytheistic religions, there is a head god figure, whereas in heavenly religions there is no intermediary creature or existence in between the creator and man.

While monotheistic religions try to explain the formation of man in the world; Polytheistic religions are often silent about how the world was created or about the creation of man. The thesis is that man and the universe somehow came into existance spontaneously. Again, the polytheistic religions do not dictate that one should be disciplined, restrained and well-behaved as in monotheistic religions. On the contrary, it emphasizes that a person should act as he / she intends. Even in the advanced stages, the gods demand that evil be perpetrated for them. He sees bad deeds as worship. Gods want people to go into trance and worship with alcohol, drugs and sexuality. They are in the will to cause human and even children to be sacrificed for them. It supports the crushing of the weak.

According to the Greek philosopher Homer, the gods could have fallen into many of the mistakes people fell into, including theft, murder, and lying.

Although the devil has an important place in monotheistic religions, there is no belief in the devil nor the hell in the ancient polytheistic religions.


Once again in all polytheistic belief and religion; humankind is not an extraordinary creature. Us, as human beings are no different than any other creatures. He has no particular fate, in fact the gods do not care. What is expected of ordinary people consists of obeying the traditions and obeying the social order, there are necessarily the prayers to be performed, but a systematic ethic like in the heavenly religions cannot be seen from today. In any case, there is no paradise to go after death in polytheistic religions. There is more of a reincarnation. Although magic is strongly opposed in monotheistic religions and magic is accepted as a great sin; In polytheistic religions, things are usually done through magic and sorcerers are clergymen.




Although we need more evidence in the following chapters to learn how to find the answers to or questions about monotheistic religions, that is, the first religions were formed, we can move on to answer another important question for now. How were polytheistic religions were formed, or who formed the polytheistic religions? So what was the reason and power that broke monotheistic religions and turned them into polytheistic religions? Although we turned everything upside down while preparing this series of documentaries, we got a single answer and a single reason as the reason constitutes polytheistic religions. This reason is an abstract that may be surprising to many of you. But when we investigate this abstract reason, we obtain evidence that it is not as abstract as it to be. Thus, its effect is not as insignificant as it is thought, and we have prepared it for you in the following chapters. Now we will show this reason and its place in religious sources, and in the following sections, we will present you concrete evidence of this abstract reason.



It is mentioned that the founders, namely the founders of polytheistic religions, are devils, namely jinn, both in the three heavenly monotheistic religions known and in the sources of the polytheistic religions. In other words, in almost every source, polytheistic religions are said to be created by demons through magic.


By the way, according to Islamic belief, Satan is not a fallen angel, or an angel at all. To Islam Satan is a form of Jinn or a Fiend In the later parts, we are going to see some evidence showing that Islamic Jinns are actually known as aliens or as a species of aliens called reptillians, in our day.

“Yet they ascribe as partners unto Him the jinn, although He did create them, and impute falsely, without knowledge, sons and daughters unto Him. Glorified be He and High Exalted above (all) that they ascribe (unto Him). [Quran An’am 100]

“And ˹consider˺ the Day He will gather them all together, and then ask the angels, “Was it you that these ˹polytheists˺ used to worship?”. ‘Exaltations to You! ‘ they will answer. ‘You are our Guardian other than them! No, rather they worshipped the jinn, and it was them which most believed. ‘ [Quran Saba Sura 40-41]

 “O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions  are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful.” [Quran Maide Sura 90]

“The people… Did not repent… they did not cease to worship demons.” (The Biblical Revelation  -nine twenty)

 “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils” [Bible- 1. Corinthians verses 10-20]

“ Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils” (Psalms 106 – 37)

“They sacrificed the New deities that appeared lately, which your ancestors did not fear.” (Repetition of the Torah Law- thirty two, seventeen)

“Moreover, Josiah wiped out the spiritists, family idols, other idols, as well as all the abominations seen in Judah and Jerusalem, in order to fulfill the principles of the law written in the book that of the priest Hilkiya found in the Temple of the Lord.” (Torah second Kings -twenty three, twenty four)

Well, how true is this thing called the devil? And does it really exist? magic, which is a method of communication with 4th-dimensional beings, can it be explained scientifically? Seriously, The reason polytheistic religions are so common and similar to each other around the world, this driving force could these be invisible entities? Follow our progressive sections for all and more.



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