The difference of opinion between heavenly and pagan religions- Polytheistic VS monotheistic


In other words, according to the historical studies of religions, societies that belonged to the polytheistic religion always worshiped the same gods although they were given different names. (from previous chapter)

Other gods have similar names in different cultures. There are so many similarities in the details of this subject; we will provide content with giving examples that are important when necessary.

We understood that polytheistic religions were formed by the corruption of monotheistic religions.
So how did the monotheistic religions in different geographies become alike when they were corrupted?

Another very important point was that these Pagan religions, into which idols entered, had the opposite methods of belief from the heavenly religions methods. Whatever the heavenly method religions had said, the Pagan religions said the opposite. Monotheistic religions and polytheistic religions; Except for the slightest similarities, were diametrically opposed to each other.

We all know more or less about monotheistic religions. With the exception of some sections and teachings of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, most teachings are common in monotheistic religions. The Creator, who is the only and the beginning of all things, is the ‘epitome’ of goodness and justice, almighty, endless power, everything elset that has been created. It is different from everything that exists, everything except itself is created, the Creator; He asks people to do good for his own consent without expecting any benefit from anyone else, and he asks him to worship to justify this consent. Although idols and images occupy most sects of Christianity, in fact all heavenly religions are opposed to worshiping an idol and a depiction, the creator cannot be seen and portrayed. In polytheistic religions, the situation is very different from monotheistic religions. First of all, in polytheistic religions, gods are not seen as creators. Religion history expert James Churcward had said”is it for the lost continent” about this topic in his book:
“Throughout this book, especially in translations, I have avoided using the word God in place of the Creator, because the word God did not mean the Creator for the ancients. Since our scholars could not understand the difference between the god of ancient times and the God of today, they imagined that the ancients regarded all their gods as Creators and consequently produced and worshiped many gods. Thus, science has caused such a confusion that ordinary people can take the approach to this issue as limited and narrow-minded has become. ”
To continue with, gods in polytheistic religions, which are different from their creative profile in monotheistic religions;cannot be considered as symbols of goodness and justice. They show human weaknesses. They act according to their interests and feelings. These gods in polytheistic religions are not infinitely powerful. They are portrayed as possessing human-like personal traits, in addition to having some individual (supernatural) power, abilities, and knowledge. In polytheistic religions, gods can be related, rival, foe, or buddy to each other. There is a limit to what the Gods can do because their power is not infinite, as we have mentioned before. They may need to strive, persuade other gods, to make their desires come true. sometimes there may be rules above all gods. Gods outlive humans, but they are not immortal as in heavenly religions. In most polytheistic religions, there is a head god figure, whereas in heavenly religions there is no intermediary creature or existence in between the creator and man.
While monotheistic religions try to explain the formation of man in the world; Polytheistic religions are often silent about how the world was created or about the creation of man. The thesis is that man and the universe somehow came into existance spontaneously. Again, the polytheistic religions do not dictate that one should be disciplined, restrained and well-behaved as in monotheistic religions. On the contrary, it emphasizes that a person should act as he / she intends. Even in the advanced stages, the gods demand that evil be perpetrated for them. He sees bad deeds as worship. Gods want people to go into trance and worship with alcohol, drugs and sexuality. They are in the will to cause human and even children to be sacrificed for them. It supports the crushing of the weak.
According to the Greek philosopher Homer, the gods could have fallen into many of the mistakes people fell into, including theft, murder, and lying.
Although the devil has an important place in monotheistic religions, there is no belief in the devil nor the hell in the ancient polytheistic religions.

Once again in all polytheistic belief and religion; humankind is not an extraordinary creature. Us, as human beings are no different than any other creatures. He has no particular fate, in fact the gods do not care. What is expected of ordinary people consists of obeying the traditions and obeying the social order, there are necessarily the prayers to be performed, but a systematic ethic like in the heavenly religions cannot be seen from today. In any case, there is no paradise to go after death in polytheistic religions. There is more of a reincarnation. Although magic is strongly opposed in monotheistic religions and magic is accepted as a great sin; In polytheistic religions, things are usually done through magic and sorcerers are clergymen.



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