Quantum Physics and Dimensional Beings [Black Box of the World’s Documentary-2]

All of humanity wants to discover the truth. However, because of destroyers of the truth, today it is difficult to get at it. Those who produce fake material make it even more challenging to separate the false information from the truth. In such an environment, it is easy for many people to lose hope of ever finding out the truth. What we are dealing with in this episode will be: fake ‘ghost’ videos, manipulated pictures of ‘giants’ created for a photoshop contest which we will be tackling in the next episodes, fake ancient alien figures also made for a photoshop contest, fake ancient artifacts put under the sea to pass as ancient works of art, fake ancient alien statues on the market for sale, fake UFO videos and many more false information and findings that we will encounter…


Although it is difficult to extract all the facts from these false information and findings and to obtain a transparent result, I think it is worth our effort because of the gravity of revealing the truth. In the previous episode, we concluded that the founders of polytheistic religions were the “jinn” mentioned in the Qur’an, the Bible and the Torah, and we demonstrated the proofs of this. Again lets say that according the Islamic belief the devil is also a jinn, not a fallen angel.  In the following episodes, we will be presenting evidence confirming that jinn are already known as “aliens” today, and that the ancient aliens also existed, and their existence made possible the emergence of polytheistic religions.


In this episode, we will provide evidence and scientific explanation for the existence of these abstractly known entities. Because if  we can learn the scientific basis and properties of these beings; we can fathom more easily what happened in ancient times, the purpose of polytheistic religions, what is desired to be accomplished by those who rule the world today, shortly, everything. So, the intention behind this episode is not to make you believe in jinn but to make you understand the past and the present, and to help you see the big picture. This episode is crucial in that it will allow you to understand and wrap your mind around all the other episodes. Also, the evidence you will see in this section will illustrate how the world is not only made up of visible 3D objects, and how matter may not even exist. The evidence presented will enable you to look at life from a broader and more accurate perspective. The reality of phenomena such as the 6th sense, hypnosis and telepathy will allow you to understand the existence of the soul which is from the 4th dimension.

In fact, the existence of phenomena experienced in a similar way all over the world is sufficient alone for the existence of 4th Dimensional creatures.


 As we will see in the future, in the past periods, all cultures contained beliefs in jinn and devils. There were and are other phenomena in the world. These can be ghost phenomena that occur similarly around the world, the poltergeist phenomenon, shadow persons phenomenon, nightmares, exorcism, sorcerers and phenomena related to what sorcerers are capable of, necromancy, haunted houses, paranormal or ghostly regions, aliens encountered all over the world, paranormal research institutions worldwide and people experiencing paranormal events, and many more… These are all phenomena that exist all over the world in surprisingly similar ways.


Again, related to the reality of 4th dimensional beings, while ghost videos that exist around the world may be sufficient, we will present some of the most reliable ones, since there are too many fake ghost videos. For example, in This channel, which only uploads content about fake ghost videos, the host, who is an expert on images, exposes fake ghost videos. The fact that this channel has published too many exposure videos shows that countless fake ghost videos exist. The host also shows non-fake videos and says that he was not able to find any evidence that could mean the videos were digitally or manually manipulated. However, overall, 90 percent of the videos he shows are proved to be fake. In general, the most reliable of these types of videos are the ones that are shown on news, documentaries, etc. We can say that 90 percent of them are real because they are televised only after passing a pre-selection phase conducted by image experts. I will start our episode by welcoming you to another episode that will be an important step in learning and feeling the most important thing in life, the truth.


There are many unexplained events and terms that we do with spiritual energy; Meditation, clairvoyant, hypnosis, psychics, levitation, astral travel, mystical teachings, magic, evil eye, ghost, jinn, spirit, scholars… Again, these events are related to the soul and beyond physics, the existence of things has been the subject of many types of research and science. Terms such as metaphysics, occultism, spiritualism, parapsychology, telepathy, and telekinesis all relate to the existence of the invisible and the energetic world and all the living beings.It has been proven by the presence of much audiovisual evidence as well. Even having so many domain names and scientific research subjects is a kind of proof of the world beyond physics and beings.

Even Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytic school, pointed out that how intertwined human and metaphysics are, saying, “If I could repeat my life, I would dedicate myself to parapsychic research instead of psychoanalysis.” Freud’s report was titled “psychoanalysis and telepathy”, in which he gave his views on telepathy, which was published after his death as a result of the pressure of scientific circles.

Before moving on to the scientific explanation of metaphysical living things, let’s try to present concrete scientific evidence and theories about the existence of the metaphysical realm.

Although the existence of the soul cannot be seen in human beings, it has been scientifically proven by various theories and experiments. It is said by scientists that human consciousness can only be explained by the soul.

All cells in the human body are constantly changing at certain intervals. From this point of view, materially we are not actually what we were a year ago; but we claim that our personality, memory, self, consciousness have  never changed. It is what we call the spirit that provides this.

The metaphysical status of man; Brain waves, aura, dedubles of the soul… these are all sources of energy. For example, eyes are the windows of the soul and the cosmic energy center. The energy and magnetic flux emanating from the fingertips are determined by science today.

As a concrete proof, we can present Kirlian photography, in which a human’s aura, or energy current is displayed. Those who claim that shapes observed in kirlian  photography is not aura, state that these images are formed randomly by an electric charge of the air around us during photo shoot. Nevertheless, those who are interested in the subject already believe that these images show the subatomic particles around us. For example, they assert that the images are formed as a result of electrons around us being charged by electric and that the subatomic substances around us in the air are already acting according to and shaped by our feelings and thoughts. Quantum scientists maintain the same ideas, namely that subatomic particles act according to people’s thoughts, and that thoughts even create brain chemicals and produce subatomic particles. The act of thinking creates and shapes electrons.


 True, it is not the soul that is seen in Kirlian photography, but it is a visible reflection of our world of emotions and thoughts.

In other words, the subatomic matter around a person indicates the state of that person’s emotions and thoughts.

Again, Dr. Harold S. Burr proved this by finding the electromagnetic field of the human body. This electromagnetic field, which Dr. Burr named the L-field, surrounds, shapes and controls the body of all living systems. This energy field, measured with standard voltmeters, is determined by human emotions and thoughts. 93 articles written by Dr. Burr, who established that physical illnesses also originated from deteriorations in this energy field, and who even treated some of his patients with this method, are in the archives of Yale University. However, these discoveries of Dr. Burr were swept under the rug because the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies, which were monopolized by the financing of John D. Rockefeller, saw antibiotics as the only tool to correct human mechanics.


These different energy currents, auras, etc. which are released in our body after the good and bad emotions we experience and whose existence is scientifically proven are metaphysical phenomena; as they do not act under the laws of physics in our 3-dimensional world.

Metaphysics means that which is somehow opposed to physics. 

Scientists have tried to explain these metaphysical phenomena, which do not act following our 3-dimensional world, with quantum and string theories. Quantum theory is as deep as the human soul. It is very difficult to fully grasp the theory, even impossible according to scientists who are interested in the subject. We will be making inferences with the basic and general information we know about quantum.

It has been proved by quantum and string theories that there are different dimensions from our 3-dimensional world. CERN, as we know it, was established as the “European Nuclear Research Center” in Switzerland where serious research was carried out on this subject.

According to quantum and string theories, metaphysical events occur in a different dimension than our 3-dimensional world, for example in the 4th dimension. Although it sounds very surprising, according to the findings of scientists in quantum experiments; Subatomic particles are not matter,although they constitute matter themselves, because they do not show the properties of matter as we know it.

For example, contrary to the laws of physics, an electron particle can pass through both holes of a two-hole barrier at the same time.

It can be anywhere in a region while being in one place, that is, it can be in more than one place at the same time, it can move faster than light, it can be guided by the power of thought.

can communicate faster than light. It can pass through objects as if they did not exist. it does not give a fixed response to the same effect and makes unpredictable movements that do not obey the laws of physics. as a result, it exhibits characteristics of the 4th Dimension.

According to theories such as string and quantum, there are not only 4 but 11 maybe more dimensions in the universe. Since no one can go to the 4th dimension and visualize or experience them, they are not proofs but theories in terms of science. However, the existence of various phenomena such as black holes and the speed of light proves the existence of the 4th dimension. Since electricity is a force of unknown nature, it has been said by scientists that electricity is the reflection of events taking place in different dimensions in our dimension. However, scientists working on quantum stated that the speed of light was exceeded in violation of the laws of physics. We can describe the 4th dimension as follows.

Let’s draw a line from point a to point b. we have drawn the one-dimensional cube. When we extend the lines in a different direction horizontally, we draw the quadrilateral, that is, the two-dimensional cube. When we stretch the quadrilateral vertically to itself, the 3-dimensional cube we know emerges. We have to follow the same logic to obtain a four-dimensional cube. So we have to do the same. We have to draw it perpendicular to the volume of the cube. we need to pull it perpendicular to its volume, not to the side. however, such a process cannot be perceived by the human senses. This process does not fit into human logic and exceeds the human ability to think.


Now I’m going to ask you to imagine a world. This world is almost the same as our world. The only difference is that it is 2-dimensional. Everything in this world lacks height, is with a flat bottom and a ground. The people of this world cannot perceive 3 dimensions, that is, height. Let’s have some fun with the people of this world now. Let’s take a glass sphere and hang it on a rope into this world. As long as the sphere is higher than the earth, no one can notice it. But people will see a miracle when the globe touches their world. They will see that an object suddenly appears on the ground. What they see is in the area where the object intersects with the ground. But I see and perceive everything that happens in this world. What will they see if I draw a line in front of a group of people in this world? They will suddenly see a wall form in front of them and will mention how suddenly this wall came into being. They will not be able to cross this wall. However, it is not at all difficult for a 3D creature to overcome this obstacle on the ground. It may be impossible to overcome this wall, which is thought to be insurmountable for 2-dimensional people,by taking a small step. In the same way, it is difficult for us humans to overcome obstacles in the third dimension. But a 4-dimensional creature would overcome the same obstacle without any difficulty. A small step would be enough for a 4th dimension creature to overcome an obstacle in the 3rd dimension.

(since it is composed of subatomic particles, it passes through atomic matter filled with voids without difficulty).

Objects in the 4th dimension do not have definitive shapes that we can see and perceive.

This is how a 3D object is reflected in the 2nd dimension. similarly, this is how we can see the reflection of a 4th dimensional object in the 3rd dimension. While we pass over two dimensions with ease, one in the 4th dimension passes through our 3-dimensional objects without difficulty.

* What we know today from quantum physics is as follows: Years ago, thanks to the big bang, we already knew that everything in the universe had been formed by the concentration of energy. Today, this situation has been reached to the basis of matter with super zooming microscopes that have proven precisely and it has been seen that all matter is made of light filaments. The fact that these materials are different is caused by the energy threads vibrating in a variety and coming together. So essentially, everything we see is light.

This scientific data also confirms the idea that “everything is made of God’s light” referred to by Islamic Sufism. We will talk about this in more detail later on.

“Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth” Quran- Surah nur 35

until the beginning of the 1900s, dark materialism which argued, “there is matter and there is no beyond” was dominant. as we progressed in the field of physics and deepened in the subatomic realm Since 1910-1920 science, has shown that there is no such thing as matter anymore. our limited 5 senses make it seem as if there is matter. everything called matter originates from atoms and the fluctuations of light quanta in their environments. Our sense organs perceive a limited part of what is happening anyway. Our eyes are limited by the capacity to receive wavelengths between 4 and 7 tenths of a centimetre, while our ears can only receive waves between 16 and 16000 Hertz.

Scientists who were bewildered by these realities asserted that the cosmos was a simulation founded by a sophisticated civilization.

Physicists were astounded by the emergence of the quantum realm that contained all these facts, even quantum is called Einstein’s fearful dream. Einstein did not want to accept the quantum theory first put forward by neils bohr.  He had long debates with Neils Bohr, but as a scientist, he eventually accepted these facts.

In fact, when you sit on a chair, the atoms of chair, and the atoms of your skin do not even touch each other! When you sit on a chair, the electrones covering the atoms on your bottom and the electrones covering the atoms that are on the surface of the chair are pushing each other. Because, in terms of electromagnetic force, equal charges push each other. In short, you are not sitting on the chair but on the electrones covering the chair. The tactile sensation, like the roughness of the chair, its texture and such senses occurs in this way.

Thus, the Simulation Theory, scientists have been arguing, is derived from these facts. Prof. Martin Rees from the University of Cambridge once argued that we may be living inside of a computer simulation created by a civilization far superior to ourselves. Everything was nothing but emptiness and light, as like a computer game, and it was just our brain who perceives this as reality.

Again, according to Koran, the world was created from nothing. The fact that, atoms as we know are hollow on the inside and everything exists by lights called strings, proved that, nothing truly ever existed before, thus the cosmos came into existence from nothing. .

Similarly, the fact that the matter and anti-matter was at the same level when the cosmos was created, or that, when anti-matter and matter merges, everything will be non-existed, proves that the Cosmos was in fact existed out of nothingness. .

All of these facts are, in accordance with the verse of Koran telling that, the world was created out of nothing, and with the word of prophet Mohammad, saying that the world is worthless even when compared to the wing of a mere fly.

Again, according to the deductions they made from Koran, Islamic Mysticists have been arguing, over the centuries, that nothing really ever exists in our world, and everything, is in fact, just the reflections of Allah(Creator God) and his qualities. That view in Islam too, saying nothing exists but meaning, appellation and cipher, is coherent with the scientific data. .

Another interesting fact is that the Koran actually tells that our world is a simulation. As you may all know, simulations are composed of codes. As a simple example to this, video games that we all play are a form of simulation and they are made out of codes. Codes decides what happens in this world, and codes can make everything possible. In Koran it is written that everything that occurs in our world, occurs because they were written in  “lehvi mahfuz” , which translates to protected tablet, just like the written computer codes. According to Koran, the way everything happens and exists or will happen and will exist, are in coherence and one with the writings in the protected tablet. To put simply, if something is not written in the “lehvi mahfuz” which means protected tablet, it has never happened and will never happen. So, just like we embrace the simulation as real which can only be existed by codes, the world can only exist with the protected tablet. We embrace our world as real, but it is only the reflection.


This summarizes the scientific facts that Professor Martin Rees of Cambridge University has suggested that the universe could be a computer simulation made by a civilization smarter than ours. Because the whole universe consists of coding parts of light and acts according to a certain order, exactly like a computer game. Just like in a computer game, we see this world of light, hard, soft, solid, liquid, etc., as a result of our nervous systems coding accordingly. This is the way we perceive.

1.Alongside, many scientists have reported that the metaphysical events happening , in our three-dimensional world, are actually mere reflections , of the events happened in the fourth dimension. 

In 1985, Dr. Stanislav Grof said that consciousness cannot be explained by the neurophysiological model, but at the subatomic level, that is, consciousness is from another dimension, that is, it can only be explained by the holographic model.

In 1987, physicist Alain Wolf described dreams as the journey of consciousness to other dimensions.

In 1980, Doctor Kenneth Ring defined death as the transition of consciousness from one hologramic dimension to another as a result of his pre-death experiments.

Also; Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner, who is a professor of astronomy at the University of Leipzig, mentioned in his book titled Transcendental Physics in 1878 that he was investigating the phenomena of unreasonable matter formation, annihilation, or unreasonable movements of matter. Based on his experiments and observations, he linked these events to the 4th dimension.

About the Creator in the 5th verse of Surat Saffat in the Quran; It is said that ˹He is˺ the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, and the Lord of all points of sunrise. “. Here, the original of the word translated as “Mesharik”, that is, “east”; strictly means dimensions.

Because people of our world could not comprehend the meaning of the word “orient”(meşarik) it was translated as “eastern”. However, in the Arabic language, which is a very extensive and sophisticated language, rooting back to the ancient Aramaic language, “orient” (meşarik) actually means “dimensions”. As you will see on the later parts, in the ancient times too, advanced technology was being used and people definitely knew what dimensions meant.

Not finished yet, now we will reveal a real important point for human beings.

According to quantum research, events occurring in the 4th dimension and subatomic substances in the 4th dimension act according to human thought.

therefore many local and foreign personal development books have been published about the effects of quantum, that is, the power of thought, on our lives.

Upon this fact, scientists have made many types of research on the power of thought that has existed since humanity existed and is considered and found to be paranormal.

Many articles related to the existence of the soul have been published. Experiments and research have been conducted as well. Also, metaphysical events such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychics performed by humans, which we will mention and discuss in the continuation of the subject, are all evidence for the existence of the soul.

The psychic and telepathy, one of the metaphysical events that occur with the power of thought, have been proven in the laboratory also. Imaged brain waves can go a few centimeters further, invisible telepathic communication; In violation of the laws of physics;

any special There is no limit and no physical obstacle that it cannot overcome.

Telepathy, which has been proven by countless experiments in humans and even officially used in some countries, is even found in animals. This has been proved by an experiment which involved a mother rabbit and baby rabbits, one of which was left at a submarine. The submarine that contained the baby rabbit was kept away from the mother rabbit at such a distance that no physical signal could pass. Changes in the mother’s brain when the baby rabbit was killed were recorded. These kinds of emotional experiments have also been made and proven in humans.

Many studies in the field of psychology prove the existence of the sixth sense, which is an enigma. For example, in an independent experiment where two psychologists and an engineer announced their results to the world, the sender/transmitter sent emotional thoughts to the receiver, thousands of kilometres away. Experts noticed a noticeable increase in the volume of blood in the recipient’s fingers at this time. This also shows that; the receiver felt the message of the sender at an unconscious level, in his area of ​​consciousness, and his body responded to the stimulus.

The book titled “Mental Radio”  published in 1920 includes 150 telepathy experiments. Albert Einstein watched the group’s work on the subject from time to time and said in the preface of the book; “The results of the telepathic experiments presented in this book, carefully and simply, are far beyond the results that a nature researcher considers imaginable. On the other hand, we cannot even imagine that such an honest observer and writer like Upton Sinclair was deliberately deceiving the world of readers, his accuracy and reliability are beyond doubt. ”

psychics and metaphysicians have also been used officially by governments.

Aura is the name given to the electromagnetic field that covers the physical body. It has been found that a person’s aura field can affect another person’s brain. Such science-based metaphysical facts did not go unnoticed by states and governments, and they used this knowledge to gain power;

Mehmet Hamdi, author of the book “Dark Power”(karanlık güç) ; In his book, he describes the parapsychological wars waged by countries using such metaphysical knowledge.


The First Parapsychological Institution in America was established in Durham (North Carolina; USA) on June 19, 1957. Its formation was proposed by Joseph Banks Rhine during studies in Duke University’s Parapsychology Lab. The Parapsychology Institute

the acceptance was done by the American Association for The Advancement of Science in December 1969.  This Parapsychological Society was adopted by the American Science Development Board (AAAS) in December 1969.  This is considered an important step in gaining the prestige of parapsychology.

Today, there are permanent studies in parapsychology departments at universities in many countries. The universities on this list are some of these universities. University of North Carolina-Rhine Research Center in the USA, University of California, University of Illinois, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, St. John’s University-New York, Saybrook Institute, Motoyama Institute of Human Sciences; Edinburgh University in England, Cambridge University, University of Sheffield; Moscow University in Russia; The University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, the University of Adelaide in Australia, the Australian Psychic Research Institute; Gothenburg University in Sweden, etc. These are some of the universities.

Parapsychology studies made important breakthroughs in the academic field in Turkey in the early 1960s; and were the subjects of multiple doctorate and associate professorship theses.

The science of parapsychology examines the psychic, spiritual abilities and events titled Telepathy, Mindfulness, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Radiesthesia, Psychophoto, Pre-diagnosis, Para Medicine, mental body control, Astral Projection.


-Telepathy (Teliepathy): It is alertness and perception towards the mind or thoughts of another person.

– Sense of vision (Clairvoyance, Telesthesia): It is the wakefulness that allows an event or something to be perceived remotely, except for normal sensations.

-Precognition (Precognition): It is to see and explain an event that has not yet occurred.

-The effect of the mind on the matter (Telekinesis): It is the effect of a person on substances by using some of his other powers without using his physical organs.

-Psychometry: To have information about a person or an event, about things that will or have happened in the past and the future with the help of an inanimate object.

-Radiesthesia (Dawsing): It is the discovery of underground water resources and mines and the diagnosis of diseases by detecting the quality and quantity waves emitted by objects and living things with an antenna, rod, or pendulum.

– Pre-diagnosis (Paradiagnostic): It means to diagnose a medical disease without having physical contact with the patient. In other words, having the ability to see such a disease from a distance.

-Para Medicine: It is a method of healing diseases in different ways which that contemporary medicine cannot thus explain.

Body control with the mind: learning how to control organs that work involuntarily.

Out-of-body experience OOBE, Astral Projection: It is the travel of the soul or mind in space and time outside the physical body.

When we look at the work done in this field in the United States and the former Soviets, we see that parapsychology is also intensely investigated by intelligence organizations. For example, in the 1970s, 700 mediums used by the CIA for hypnosis and telepathy were working. Also, Americans had made parapsychological trials in the Vietnam War.

In the United States, studies in the fields of parapsychology were also carried out at the StanFord research institute (SRI) in 1972.

At the beginning of the project, there were names from the National Security Organization and the Scientology sect. In line with the project, Uri Geller of Israeli origin was brought to America in 1970. Uri Geller; said that he developed his abilities such as metal bending, stopping watches, or operating broken watches after contact withextra-terrestrials.

In 1991, this project was named “Stargate”. From the beginning, up

23 clairvoyants were trained in the project.

In February 1960, an article in the French journal Science and Life was about how telepathy was used on military targets. The article mentioned that psychics in America telepathically contacted the “nautilus”, the first nuclear submarine under the Arctic glaciers.


Significant trials of clairvoyance were carried out in the American Society for Psychic Studies in New York City. The famous Ingo Swann is one of those who work here.

Ingo Swan participated and conducted studies in the “Stargate Project”, which was conducted with the “American Defense Intelligence Agency” and whose purpose was to investigate allegations of potential military practices and psychic events.


The Russians began to arrest psychics as early as 1923. The aim was to use the mediums in spy work. With psychics in these years, we do not know what kind of work has been made. However, when we come to 1975, we see that the KGB again arrested people with parapsychological abilities. The KGB was also looking for people with high hypnotisability and suitability to commit murder. According to a report from the International Herald Tribune, the money spent in 1967 to examine the paranormal events in the USSR and to maintain its power in this direction was 12 million Rubles.

To give an example; In 1940, two policemen came to the theatre where the telepathist Wolf Messing performed in Russia and took Messing away without question. Messing could make people do what they wanted by showing them as if they had things that were not there. Although Stalin was an atheist, he kept the meta physicist Wolf Messing with him for 13 years and took advantage of his characteristics.

In experiments in Russia in the 1970s, the brains of animals were loaded with electromagnetic waves. After a while, these animals began to notice what was happening behind the thick walls.

But because the animal brain could not withstand overloading, the guinea pigs soon died.

Another experiment implemented in Russia was to concentrate psychic brainwaves on objects. Directing the spiritual energy to the talisman or amulet had positive or negative effects on the Carrier. As we know, some items are accepted as auspicious or ominous among people.

Using the same method, mediums influenced souvenirs and Russian dolls with the power of thought.

then these gifts were given to some people. As a result, depression and mental problems were noted in these individuals the whole time they had the gift.

Professor of the Moscow Popov Radio Electronics and Combat Studies Institute. M. Kogan stated in the experiments they carried out in 66-67 that human thought can be carried very far without a tool.

Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Agency, officially stated on its website that it spends an amount of 5.5 million US dollars annually on metaphysical activities.

To point out a few examples from Europe; In 1925, Czech military authorities published a book called Clairvoyant, Hypnotism, Magnetism for use in the army. The aim was to inform the soldiers on this issue and to discover the talented ones. II. During World War II, some soldiers were hypnotized and quite accurate information about enemy positions and numbers was obtained through astral travel. In this way, the bodies of some missing soldiers were also found. The reason why this kind of work was developed in Czechoslovakia was that there was a very widespread magic tradition in this country from the Middle Ages.

In many western countries clairvoyants work in cooperation with the police. It is not within the scope of secrecy for the Police Service to receive assistance from psychics’ ability to see beyond the physical dimension. even how the medium works in TV documentaries on this subject; In particular, the methods by which they solved murder cases are stated in detail. And of course, for these psychics to work with the police, they must be highly reliable and 100% accurate information. In Muslim countries, there are psychics capable of seeing beyond physics who find lost objects or people and describe their location. We define such people as Hodja.

One of the metaphysical events that occur through quantum mechanics is hypnotism. Hypnotism was also used by many scientists, especially doctors, and the soul/consciousness was affected by hypnotism, and some events were opposite to the known life.

First known, in 1842, an English physician hypnotized the patient before cutting his leg, and the patient did not experience any pain when his leg was amputated. James Braid, a Scottish doctor working in Manchester, stated in his work that patients healed with the stimulation of their imaginations in 1841, and he was the first to use the term hypnotism. After this stage, he created a new branch of medicine called Neurohypnology. later john Elliotson and French surgeon j.c. They performed painless surgeries with Anthelme Recaimer hypnotism.

In different parts of the world, the old and new clergy could focus on their souls and walk-in fire without being burned, in a way hypnotizing themselves.

One of the metaphysical events realized with the power of spirit is the third eye event.

In Samoa, it was reported that blind people could see their surroundings through their skin.

After a while scientists laughed at this, New York World – He wrote in the Paris publication: “You don’t just have an eye in the back, all of your body is surrounded by these eyes, and with the right training, all of them can be used.

This conclusion was reached by many scientists who witnessed the experiments of Jules romain, who wrote a book on the subject.

Romain voluntarily experimented with several people. Although the first experiment did not yield sufficient results, the second tests show that some subjects gained the ability to read playing cards while blindfolded after 3 hours of concentration. Reportedly, the ability of the subject increases with each test.

It is real evidence for the existence of the metaphysical realm in dreams. As it is known, dreams are divided into 3 by the experts of the metaphysical world.

These are dreams from the subconscious, dreams from the devil and dreams from the creator.

Although dreams coming from the subconscious are metaphysical events, the occasions in which people receive strangely conscious messages in satanic and Rahmani dreams are greater metaphysical events. Just as there are psychics who talk to the devil and take orders in their dreams, there are many people who receive inspiration from the creator in their dreams that they would not have in the normal world.

Some of the composers who have created their compositions in their dreams are Beethoven Mozart, Schumann, Sain-Seans.


The artists who completed their works by seeing the rest of their works in their dreams;

Dante, Geothe, J. Nasefield, Cocteau, Charlotte Bronte, Adgar Allen Poe, Baudelaire, William. Blake, William. Conper, Heinrich, Heine, Shelley, Tolstoy…

Otto Loewi, who received the Nobel Prize for proving the importance of chemical substances in the studies of the nerves by applying the experiment he saw in his dream. ‘ Chemist Fredrich Kekule, who discovered the ring-shaped formula of “benzene” thanks to the snake with its tail in its mouth that he saw in his dream-. Neils Bohr, who created the modern atomic theory by seeing the planets in his dreams in various ways. Canadian doctor Fredrick Banting, who found insulin by figuring out the condition of diabetes through the physiological surgery in his dream. Elias Howe, who discovered the needle of the sewing machine, which he could not find for years thanks the spears of the guards he saw in his dream. This was just a summary of the scientists who have achieved success through dreams they had seen.

In the Koran, it is explained that some dreams are actually messages from God. In a verse of Koran, God has let prophet Mohammad know an event that will occur in the future.

To continue with the topic of providing concrete evidence for metaphysical creatures, we must first scientifically explain the characteristics of metaphysical creatures.

 Scientists report that aliens, meaning jinn, live in the 4th dimension. We will present more evidence about this in the future. But just to touch upon it briefly, we can mention how it is also stated in the Qur’an that the jinn were created from pure fire. Photons in fire are subatomic particles. In other words, fire, which is the building block of jinn, is a 4th dimensional substance. All the evidence confirm that jinn are composed of subatomic particles on their own.

It has been scientifically proven today that the ratio of the atom, which is the building block of everything in the universe, and its nucleus is like a marble on a football field. If we accept the atomic nucleus as a marble, the other tiny substances in the atom, the electrons; revolves around this core at the distance of a football field. In other words, more than 99.9 percent of everything we see as matter consists of the void. Without these gaps in the world, the world would be almost a marble. This is how 4th Dimensional creatures made up of subatomic parts are also. Since they do not have an atomic structure, they are not visible to our eyes because they are made up of subatomic particles. But in fact, they are the same as humans in mass, and when they pass into our dimensions, they may assume an atomic shape and maybe even have a biological body. Since we are made up of voids, we are in a large and visible state. And because they don’t have voids, they are in the upper dimension and out of sight. Scientists have already stated that a being that can be in the 4th dimension can see our dimension from a different angle, but we cannot see that being.

It is also scientifically declared that subatomic substances in the 4th dimension can pass through solid objects, just as sunlight passes through glass.

According to scientists, the only reason why we humans, full of voids, cannot pass through a wall full of cavities, is the gravitational force created by the electrons orbiting the atoms.

Without this gravitational force, objects consisting of empty atoms would be able to pass through other empty atoms. In other words, if the subatomic particles that make up us were not in an atomic form, we would have 4th Dimensional properties, for example, we would be able to pass through a wall.

To sum up, the other dimensions came to existence by the vibrations of strings which are the smallest building elements of matter.

we can only see three dimensional, because we cannot feel or see the vibrations of these strings in different places, we are unable to comprehend, other dimensions. Yet, some beings, as small as subatomic particles, can experience, benefit, and affect these additional dimensions.

The fact that the existence of other dimensions and that the Jinns are in that different dimension, is told in the Holy Koran by these words as follows “These Jinns, they see you from a different place”

Again, scientists on this subject have said that there may be a being that can live in the 4th Dimension and that its characteristics will resemble the beings we call spirit or jinn. Author John A. Kell, who has done research on aliens for many years, also realized towards the end of his life that aliens are actually beings living in the 4th dimension.

These 4th dimensional creatures can move to the 3rd dimension when the necessary conditions are met. Because as we said, jinn and humans are made up of the same subatomic particles, but only we are in atomic form, not jinn. In other words, when jinn go to the 3rd dimension and transform into atomic form, they can have a body made of flesh and blood like us. And it has already been scientifically accepted, as you will see in this and other episodes, that beings in the upper dimensions can pass into the lower dimensions. Again, remember that the higher dimensional angels in all the holy books took the form of human beings when talking to the prophets.


Now you do not need to be afraid of the videos we will show as concrete evidence of these entities. Because although it has been tried many times personally by many people; As stated in the teachings about the spirit and the descriptions of the heavenly religion. We will share many examples in this documentary series. To cause the metaphysical creatures or events to har you, there must be magnetic deficits in your metaphysical field, in your aura, that is, your chakras must be imbalanced by forming brain chemicals contrary to your nature with great evil, that is, the sins mentioned in religions. As you will see concrete examples in the future; If you do not give a magnetic deficit, 4th-dimensional beings cannot even approach you, let alone touching you.

Remember the electromagnetic field around us shaped by human thought, which Dr. Burr called the L-field. Recall that this electromagnetic field can be partially visualized by Kirlian, that is, the method of aura photography.

As we will discuss later on, people who commit great bad deeds and do not suffer are used as negative energy producers under the auspices of demons.

Continuing our topic regarding the concrete evidence for metaphysical living beings, although there is no known scientific study on the existence of these beings, as you can see and will see more in the future, many scientists have theoretically accepted the existence of these beings. In addition, volunteer paranormal researchers obtain abounding audio-visual evidence about 4th dimensional creatures. There are people who experienced similar paranormal events all over the world, as well as people in specific regions who have collectively experienced the same paranormal event. For example, the real events described in the movie The Mothman Prophecies, were witnessed by everyone living in the region.

Again, in the police reports about a house in Madrid, Spain, where major paranormal events took place after a spell, it is written that the police remained incapable solving what had happened in this house.

 You can find a detailed analysis of these films that describe real paranormal events on our channel. As we will see in more detail later, it is a well-known phenomenon that the evil jinn, namely demons, disguise themselves as ghosts and spirits in order to deceive and manipulate people, giving images and messages in this way and making people believe in reincarnation, etc.

The person or people in these pictures you see are people who have died before and were not present when the photo was taken. In other words, they are ghosts as we have named them. Numerous paranormal events that cannot be explained by science until today have been reflected on the cameras. Not hundreds, maybe even thousands; There are so many photographs and video recordings that we cannot include all of them in this documentary. The theory of uncanny houses in which paranormal events occur all over the world has been told and many paranormal events in these houses have been reflected in cameras and sound devices. Researchers who deal with these works with their special devices can determine whether these paranormal records are fake or real. These metaphysical events that affected many people were even reflected in documentary productions such as the History Channel. (see the video in the documentary)

In Turkey, there have been uncanny home incidents that amaze everyone. Psychic Salih Memişoğlu solved this case of a self-burning house. (see the video in the documentary)

Once again, at this is home where objects move metaphysicist Volkan Kemal Ergenekon solved the case.(see the video in the documentary)

Countless research and publications have been made, but most importantly, what happened in the past and those who shaped the present world are very closely related to the metaphysical world. In a summary, the metaphysical world and living things are real with undeniable evidence. Throughout this documentary, much more audio and visual evidence will be shared and be given as examples to being proofs of these beings.

Now, we can move on to the characteristics of metaphysical creatures and why and how they have tried to dominate the world and people throughout history. These creatures are namely jinn, also known as aliens, and demons who are a sub-category of jinn.

As a result of this, it is possible to create newer examples. Many paranormal regions and houses such as the dragon triangle and the Bermuda Devil’s triangle, -where countless eyewitnesses and countless recorded events that cannot be explained by the laws of physics took place, – are definitive evidence of the existence of metaphysics and metaphysical creatures.



Metaphysical events and living things; it has been reflected in countless real images and documentaries

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