The History of Parapsychology and Real Metaphysical Experiments

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According to quantum research, events occurring in the 4th dimension and subatomic substances in the 4th dimension act according to human thought. 

Therefore many local and foreign personal development books have been published about the effects of quantum, that is, the power of thought, on our lives.

Upon this fact, scientists have made many types of research on the power of thought that has existed since humanity existed and is considered and found to be paranormal.

Many articles related to the existence of the soul have been published. Experiments and research have been conducted as well. Also, metaphysical events such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychics performed by humans, which we will mention and discuss in the continuation of the subject, are all evidence for the existence of the soul.

The psychic and telepathy, one of the metaphysical events that occur with the power of thought, have been proven in the laboratory also. Imaged brain waves can go a few centimeters further, invisible telepathic communication; In violation of the laws of physics; any special There is no limit and no physical obstacle that it cannot overcome. 

Telepathy, which has been proven by countless experiments in humans and even officially used in some countries, is even found in animals. This has been proved by an experiment which involved a mother rabbit and baby rabbits, one of which was left at a submarine. The submarine that contained the baby rabbit was kept away from the mother rabbit at such a distance that no physical signal could pass. Changes in the mother’s brain when the baby rabbit was killed were recorded. These kinds of emotional experiments have also been made and proven in humans.

Many studies in the field of psychology prove the existence of the sixth sense, which is an enigma. For example, in an independent experiment where two psychologists and an engineer announced their results to the world, the sender/transmitter sent emotional thoughts to the receiver, thousands of kilometres away. Experts noticed a noticeable increase in the volume of blood in the recipient’s fingers at this time. This also shows that; the receiver felt the message of the sender at an unconscious level, in his area of ​​consciousness, and his body responded to the stimulus.

The book titled “Mental Radio”  published in 1920 includes 150 telepathy experiments. Albert Einstein watched the group’s work on the subject from time to time and said in the preface of the book; “The results of the telepathic experiments presented in this book, carefully and simply, are far beyond the results that a nature researcher considers imaginable. On the other hand, we cannot even imagine that such an honest observer and writer like Upton Sinclair was deliberately deceiving the world of readers, his accuracy and reliability are beyond doubt. “

psychics and metaphysicians have also been used officially by governments.

Aura is the name given to the electromagnetic field that covers the physical body. It has been found that a person’s aura field can affect another person’s brain. Such science-based metaphysical facts did not go unnoticed by states and governments, and they used this knowledge to gain power;

Mehmet Hamdi, author of the book “Dark Power”; In his book, he describes the parapsychological wars waged by countries using such metaphysical knowledge.


The First Parapsychological Institution in America was established in Durham (North Carolina; USA) on June 19, 1957. Its formation was proposed by Joseph Banks Rhine during studies in Duke University’s Parapsychology Lab. The Parapsychology Institute the acceptance was done by the American Association for The Advancement of Science in December 1969.  This Parapsychological Society was adopted by the American Science Development Board (AAAS) in December 1969.  This is considered an important step in gaining the prestige of parapsychology.


Today, there are permanent studies in parapsychology departments at universities in many countries. The universities on this list are some of these universities. University of North Carolina-Rhine Research Center in the USA, University of California, University of Illinois, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, St. John’s University-New York, Saybrook Institute, Motoyama Institute of Human Sciences; Edinburgh University in England, Cambridge University, University of Sheffield; Moscow University in Russia; The University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, the University of Adelaide in Australia, the Australian Psychic Research Institute; Gothenburg University in Sweden, etc. These are some of the universities.

Parapsychology studies made important breakthroughs in the academic field in Turkey in the early 1960s; and were the subjects of multiple doctorate and associate professorship theses.

The science of parapsychology examines the psychic, spiritual abilities and events titled Telepathy, Mindfulness, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Radiesthesia, Psychophoto, Pre-diagnosis, Para Medicine, mental body control, Astral Projection.


-Telepathy (Teliepathy): It is alertness and perception towards the mind or thoughts of another person.

– Sense of vision (Clairvoyance, Telesthesia): It is the wakefulness that allows an event or something to be perceived remotely, except for normal sensations.

-Precognition (Precognition): It is to see and explain an event that has not yet occurred.

-The effect of the mind on the matter (Telekinesis): It is the effect of a person on substances by using some of his other powers without using his physical organs.

-Psychometry: To have information about a person or an event, about things that will or have happened in the past and the future with the help of an inanimate object.

-Radiesthesia (Dawsing): It is the discovery of underground water resources and mines and the diagnosis of diseases by detecting the quality and quantity waves emitted by objects and living things with an antenna, rod, or pendulum.

– Pre-diagnosis (Paradiagnostic): It means to diagnose a medical disease without having physical contact with the patient. In other words, having the ability to see such a disease from a distance.

-Para Medicine: It is a method of healing diseases in different ways which that contemporary medicine cannot thus explain.

Body control with the mind: learning how to control organs that work involuntarily.

Out-of-body experience OOBE, Astral Projection: It is the travel of the soul or mind in space and time outside the physical body.

When we look at the work done in this field in the United States and the former Soviets, we see that parapsychology is also intensely investigated by intelligence organizations. For example, in the 1970s, 700 mediums used by the CIA for hypnosis and telepathy were working. Also, Americans had made parapsychological trials in the Vietnam War.

In the United States, studies in the fields of parapsychology were also carried out at the StanFord research institute (SRI) in 1972.

 At the beginning of the project, there were names from the National Security Organization and the Scientology sect. In line with the project, Uri Geller of Israeli origin was brought to America in 1970. Uri Geller; said that he developed his abilities such as metal bending, stopping watches, or operating broken watches after contact withextra-terrestrials

In 1991, this project was named “Stargate”. From the beginning, up 23 clairvoyants were trained in the project.

In February 1960, an article in the French journal Science and Life was about how telepathy was used on military targets. The article mentioned that psychics in America telepathically contacted the “nautilus”, the first nuclear submarine under the Arctic glaciers.


Significant trials of clairvoyance were carried out in the American Society for Psychic Studies in New York City. The famous Ingo Swann is one of those who work here.

Ingo Swan participated and conducted studies in the “Stargate Project”, which was conducted with the “American Defense Intelligence Agency” and whose purpose was to investigate allegations of potential military practices and psychic events.


The Russians began to arrest psychics as early as 1923. The aim was to use the mediums in spy work. With psychics in these years, we do not know what kind of work has been made. However, when we come to 1975, we see that the KGB again arrested people with parapsychological abilities. The KGB was also looking for people with high hypnotisability and suitability to commit murder. According to a report from the International Herald Tribune, the money spent in 1967 to examine the paranormal events in the USSR and to maintain its power in this direction was 12 million Rubles.

To give an example; In 1940, two policemen came to the theatre where the telepathist Wolf Messing performed in Russia and took Messing away without question. Messing could make people do what they wanted by showing them as if they had things that were not there. Although Stalin was an atheist, he kept the meta physicist Wolf Messing with him for 13 years and took advantage of his characteristics.

In experiments in Russia in the 1970s, the brains of animals were loaded with electromagnetic waves. After a while, these animals began to notice what was happening behind the thick walls. 

But because the animal brain could not withstand overloading, the guinea pigs soon died.

Another experiment implemented in Russia was to concentrate psychic brainwaves on objects. Directing the spiritual energy to the talisman or amulet had positive or negative effects on the Carrier. As we know, some items are accepted as auspicious or ominous among people. 

Using the same method, mediums influenced souvenirs and Russian dolls with the power of thought.

 then these gifts were given to some people. As a result, depression and mental problems were noted in these individuals the whole time they had the gift.

Professor of the Moscow Popov Radio Electronics and Combat Studies Institute. M. Kogan stated in the experiments they carried out in 66-67 that human thought can be carried very far without a tool.

Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Agency, officially stated on its website that it spends an amount of 5.5 million US dollars annually on metaphysical activities.

To point out a few examples from Europe; In 1925, Czech military authorities published a book called Clairvoyant, Hypnotism, Magnetism for use in the army. The aim was to inform the soldiers on this issue and to discover the talented ones. II. During World War II, some soldiers were hypnotized and quite accurate information about enemy positions and numbers was obtained through astral travel. In this way, the bodies of some missing soldiers were also found. The reason why this kind of work was developed in Czechoslovakia was that there was a very widespread magic tradition in this country from the Middle Ages.

In many western countries clairvoyants work in cooperation with the police. It is not within the scope of secrecy for the Police Service to receive assistance from psychics’ ability to see beyond the physical dimension. even how the medium works in TV documentaries on this subject; In particular, the methods by which they solved murder cases are stated in detail. And of course, for these psychics to work with the police, they must be highly reliable and 100% accurate information. In Muslim countries, there are psychics capable of seeing beyond physics who find lost objects or people and describe their location. We define such people as Hodja.

One of the metaphysical events that occur through quantum mechanics is hypnotism. Hypnotism was also used by many scientists, especially doctors, and the soul/consciousness was affected by hypnotism, and some events were opposite to the known life.

First known, in 1842, an English physician hypnotized the patient before cutting his leg, and the patient did not experience any pain when his leg was amputated. James Braid, a Scottish doctor working in Manchester, stated in his work that patients healed with the stimulation of their imaginations in 1841, and he was the first to use the term hypnotism. After this stage, he created a new branch of medicine called Neurohypnology. later john Elliotson and French surgeon j.c. They performed painless surgeries with Anthelme Recaimer hypnotism.

In different parts of the world, the old and new clergy could focus on their souls and walk-in fire without being burned, in a way hypnotizing themselves.


One of the metaphysical events realized with the power of spirit is the third eye event.

In Samoa, it was reported that blind people could see their surroundings through their skin. 

After a while scientists laughed at this, New York World – He wrote in the Paris publication: “You don’t just have an eye in the back, all of your body is surrounded by these eyes, and with the right training, all of them can be used

This conclusion was reached by many scientists who witnessed the experiments of Jules romain, who wrote a book on the subject.

Romain voluntarily experimented with several people. Although the first experiment did not yield sufficient results, the second tests show that some subjects gained the ability to read playing cards while blindfolded after 3 hours of concentration. Reportedly, the ability of the subject increases with each test.

It is real evidence for the existence of the metaphysical realm in dreams. As it is known, dreams are divided into 3 by the experts of the metaphysical world. 

These are dreams from the subconscious, dreams from the devil and dreams from the creator.

Although dreams coming from the subconscious are metaphysical events, the occasions in which people receive strangely conscious messages in satanic and Rahmani dreams are greater metaphysical events. Just as there are psychics who talk to the devil and take orders in their dreams, there are many people who receive inspiration from the creator in their dreams that they would not have in the normal world.

Some of the composers who have created their compositions in their dreams are Beethoven Mozart, Schumann, Sain-Seans. 

The artists who completed their works by seeing the rest of their works in their dreams;

Dante, Geothe, J. Nasefield, Cocteau, Charlotte Bronte, Adgar Allen Poe, Baudelaire, William. Blake, William. Conper, Heinrich, Heine, Shelley, Tolstoy… 

Otto Loewi, who received the Nobel Prize for proving the importance of chemical substances in the studies of the nerves by applying the experiment he saw in his dream. ‘ Chemist Fredrich Kekule, who discovered the ring-shaped formula of “benzene” thanks to the snake with its tail in its mouth that he saw in his dream-. Neils Bohr, who created the modern atomic theory by seeing the planets in his dreams in various ways. Canadian doctor Fredrick Banting, who found insulin by figuring out the condition of diabetes through the physiological surgery in his dream. Elias Howe, who discovered the needle of the sewing machine, which he could not find for years thanks the spears of the guards he saw in his dream. This was just a summary of the scientists who have achieved success through dreams they had seen.

In the Koran, it is explained that some dreams are actually messages from God. In a verse of Koran, God has let prophet Mohammad know an event that will occur in the future

Quran surah al fath 27 – “Indeed, Allah will fulfil His Messenger’s vision in all truth: Allah willing, you will surely enter the Sacred Mosque, in security”



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