Are the jinn mentioned in Islam aliens?

The point we have to make clear when describing what they look like is that the jinns are actually aliens. Because all the features that depict jinns and aliens are the same, so they are common in the concrete evidence that we are going to show for both. 

So from now on, when we say jinn, we’ll also mean aliens.

As a matter of fact, that the fiends, or devils are Jinns is mentioned in Islam. The Satan is disguised as a serpent and the Satan is a breed of this species, we call Jinns. 

In this regard, we will include witness statements as well as concrete evidence, because witness statements are auxiliary evidence.

According to the heavenly religions, the demon who is the leader of the jinns is in the form of a snake. Jinns that are not descended from demons are the kind we know as normal aliens, called greys.  

We see that the snake-like species with winged horns, called drako or reptilian is depicted as the head of the general of polytheistic religions, while the type called grays is portrayed more as an auxiliary extras on a more passive level.”Under the title of these two species, there exists many different kinds and breeds, just as we humans have different races.

As a matter of fact, in a book allegedly belonging to a Russian agent, many alien derivatives are mentioned with pictures, and it is explained which planets they live on and what their ambitions on Earth are.

Even in this book it is written that some of the aliens are the same as the jinn in the Islamic belief. However, in the rest of the article, it is written that this race called jinn did not come to the world again.” Devils who provided information for these books to be written, of course put their own lies, between the lines.

“Let us now give the material evidence that aliens and demons are the same entities, respectively;


Researches on some paranormal phenomena are tried to be handled by research centers with various scientific methods. Photographs of images that introduce themselves as aliens can be taken. 

In the same way it has been possible to take photographs of real souls.

Some spectroscopic examinations of these images, which have not been proven to be fake, have also been carried out.

 The interesting thing is that the spectral analysis of both species yields the same result. It is reported that the “so-called spirits” who came to the table of spiritualists and the spectral analyzes of the so-called aliens based on polaroid films, infrared and normal rays are exactly the same. In this way, it is understood that those who present themselves as ‘spirits’ and those who present themselves as ‘aliens’ are actually demons.”

None would take measures against what is unknown and that is why Jinns wishes to remain occult. As the founder of “INKILAP PUBLIHSING” in Turkey Garbis Fikri states, “seeing Jinns by means of sorcery, changes in time and reflected first as seeing spirits and then seeing aliens.”

Another example is the golden age book of knowledge, which consists of alien revelations. the purpose of this book seems to be to prepare people for an impending invasion of evil aliens and to introduce jinns as friends and gods, as in the old polytheistic religions.  

In this book it is written; “Jinns are bad in Islam, but jinns will save you. “

and in another page it is written that “Jinns are messengers from God, and they are supreme and powerful in every aspect, and you call them aliens.” 


Another very important subject, which should be urged upon, and which we are going to see evidence of in this documentary series is that, the whole ambition of demons is to deceive humans. 

As it is told in all religions, because Satan lost everything he had because of Adam and Eve, he then devoted himself to the evil of human beings out of jealousy and hatred. he lost everything he had because of human beings.

The answer to the question, Why do demons introduce themselves as aliens, should be sought for this purpose. Because being known like that is in the interest of the jinn. It makes more sense for demons to present themselves as powerful and benevolent aliens rather than portraying themselves as evils and demons. They can deceive people much better in this way. However, demons have bigger plans that they execute over the alien lie, which we will explain in the following chapters.”

One proof that both aliens and jinn are the same beings is that they both live in the upper dimension.  

 In the previous chapters we have mentioned scientists who claimed that there can be 4th dimensional beings. So, it is in accordance with the physics, that the Jinns can be in the 4th dimension.

As we are going to see the very details of in the later chapters, the Religious and Historical recordings shows that, Jinns have been sent to another dimesion, but still in this world, during the Noah’s Flood, and after the Flood their influence persists but they are invisible to human’s eyes. 

These descriptions scientifically describe being transported to the upper dimension in the quantum realm.

Experts of Metaphysics and Occultism who are working on this subject, validate this approach.

“Historical records and evidence show that the jinn lived in the same dimension as humans until the time of Prophet Noah, and that these jinn moved to the upper dimension after the flood. We will show these evidences in the section on the Mu continent.

 “And that if they had gone straight on the right mode (of life), indeed We would have made them to drink copious water.” (Quran Surat al-Jinn. Verse: 16) 

This verse shows that the jinn once lived like biological beings like humans and were in need of water.

“In both ˹Gardens˺ will be maidens of modest gaze, who no human or jinn has ever touched before.” Quran Surat ar-Rahman 56-

 In this verse, the word “tams” is used, which means the breakdown of celibacy. In other words, according to this verse, it is clearly understood that the jinn can somehow become the size of humans and have sexual intercourse with human women, that is, they can live in our dimension just like us when the conditions are met. You will see other evidence of this in the statements of numerous women abducted by aliens.


 In this Hadith, it is indicated that when Jinns shift into our dimension, they became just like us and they can be tied. Prophet Mohammad once stated that, if not for the promise Allah (God) made to Satan, he would have tied up the Satan who has came to disturb him in a physical form, and would leave him there until the judgement day.

“… he and his soldiers also see you from places where you cannot see them. We have made demons the friends of those who do not believe. ” Quran Surat Araf-27

In this verse, it is clearly explained that the jinn are in a different dimension from us, but they see us and establish relationships with people like friendship even though we cannot see them.

“We created gins from a strong fire that could pass through the pores of the human body.”Quran hicr- 27 

 In this verse, it is understood that the djinns can penetrate people’s bodies when the necessary conditions are met.”

We have indicated the explanation in the 2nd Chapter, which says Jinns who are made of subatomic particles can easily come in and out of the empty spaces of humans who are made out of atoms which are hollow on the inside.

In this personal growth documentary called  “the phase”  many witnesses who have been in an astral journey stated that they have seen aliens, who are in another dimension, yet still in our world. Similarly, Muslim Scholars have also stated, in many occasions that they have come across Jinns in the astral journeys they have been in. 

In fact, all of us have been experiencing the state of astral journey every day and have been passing into 4th dimension. “We all go through a state of sleep and wakefulness. This realm where our souls pass between sleep and wakefulness is called the “yakaza” realm. 

Paranormal events that happen to us usually occur in this state between sleep and wakefulness.

 For instance, the having a nightmare as incubus or heaviness is an event happening to everyone in the every part of the world, and it happens in a state between sleep and wakefulness. Similarly, being kidnapped by aliens is an event that happens just in that state which is called “yakaza”. This resemblance is proof that jinns are the same as aliens.

The most important question is that, how Jinns shift into our dimension and if they do what kind of evidence can be shown supporting that.

Jinns, as they can influence the feelings and thought of humans in their own dimension, when they shift into ours under the needed circumstances, they can affect us physically. 

Jinns, as they can influence the feelings and thought of humans in their own dimension, when they shift into ours under the needed circumstances, they can affect us physically.

Some of the most credible examples of Jinns’ magnetic and physical existence, are the places that are accepted as haunted and where various paranormal activities occur regularly. 

So much that, people are still afraid to step into these places because of ghosts and spirits and we have already told you that, these things referred as ghosts and spirits are actually Jinns according to Islamic Belief.

“It has been understood that these images, which are reflected on cameras in many parts of the world, are not fake in laboratory studies, but no explanation has been made by the scientific community.” In order to be able to fully comprehend the subject of Jinns shifting across dimensions that we are going to talk about now, you must remember the explanations on dimensions and quantum physics which we talked about in the 2nd chapter.

The images of these Grays and reptilians that we see and know as aliens and reptilians in every culture are the original images of the jinns.

The images of these Grays and reptilians that we see and know as aliens and reptilians in every culture are the original images of the jinns. 

When the jinns slow down in our dimension, they appear in their original form.

In order for jinns to cross over to our dimension, either a magnetic event must occur in our realm or a magnetic effect must be created by a spell.

When the magnetic opening occurs as a result of these effects, it is enough for the jinns  to slow down to pass into our dimension, they can slow down and pass into our dimension as a biological being just like us.” However, because they have been created out of fire element, when they die, their bodies ignite and they vanish as ashes, and a smell of sulphur can be observed. Yet, ultimately they do not wish to pass into our dimension as a biological being. “Because when they pass biologically it is very easy for them to die in our dimension, and they cannot behave as comfortable and strong as their own dimensions because of their fluid loss. even if they pass, they are more common in desolate places. Just as we go to space but cannot move freely, have difficulty and want to return home to the world, and even people who manage to move to the upper dimension through astral travel cannot stay there constantly and feel the desire to return to their homeland, likewise, the jinns cannot stay in our dimension and do not want to stay.”

Jinns who can appear in various different forms in our eyes, such as animals and ghosts according to the prophet muhammad’s sayings, hadiths, are the wizards of the Jinn realm. If their appearances are physical and real, or holographic and deceiving  should be discussed even by Islamic Mentors. According to quantum physics both can be true. “However, the truth is; When they appear that way, they can be easily killed by people with good spirituality. If you have a bad spiritual, negative body aura and therefore your chakras are vulnerable to magnetic attacks, the genie will be strong against you, and you will be weak against it. Again, when they take on such different images, they appear to you terrifying or unafraid to you, depending on your spiritual situation.

For example, a jinn who appears simultaneously to people who have polluted their heart, mind and soul with sins and to people who have done no evil, appears as a dragon to a person who is spiritually impure, while to a person who is spiritually strong he appears as a small snake and cannot frighten him.

In this case, as it will again be understood, it is related to the quantum and depending on your situation in the quantum realm, the jinns either feed on you by haunting you or they do not approach you, fearing your energy.”



Youtube/ The Real Sources

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